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(Criss's p.o.v.)

Klayton and Karalea, on the other hand, were in Tommy's room and he wasn't at all in a generous mood he made fire appear on the bed and had blood oozing out of the walls along with the usual screams and cries to make their hair stand on end, just when they thought he was done he'd start with something else like make them both believe that there were spiders and snakes crawling all over them, one time he even made Karalea think a huge cockroach was coming out of her mouth, she gagged and ran to the door trying to leave the room but Tommy wouldn't let them out. Klayton just held her close to him and told her to try and ignore him that none of it was real. Tommy was just fucking with their heads again but Karalea couldn't handle it anymore and screamed bloody murder.

The lights began to flicker on and off very quickly then the room automatically went very dark and had an unsubtle eeriness to it and became very cold. Klayton held Karalea closer to him and told her to be very still and quiet the closet door began to creak open and very deep and slow breathing that didn't belong to either of them got closer to the foot of the bed. Klayton reached over to the night lamp and tried to turn it on it flickered but stayed on long enough to see Tommy with a very disturbing look on his face and in his hands was a shotgun he pointed it right at Karalea she wanted to scream but nothing would come out. Klayton moved in front of her to protect her and told Tommy not hardly. Tommy looked at Klayton and grinned devilishly at him and cocked the hammer back then he made the lights go out, the gun went off and Karalea screamed!! all the lights came on and Tommy was gone and Klayton was sitting in the bed covered in cherry pie filling.

Karalea looked at him and began to laugh uncontrollably but not from it being funny she was hysterical from fear. Klayton got out of bed and opened the door to see me and the others wondering if they were ok but when I saw him covered in the pie filling I stuck my finger on him and popped one of the cherries in my mouth and said he was almost tasty enough to eat. Klayton rolled his eyes and said he really was tired of Tommy's bullshit and that his girlfriend just lost what was left of her sanity when Tommy pointed the shotgun at them and fired it after I made sure no one was hurt we all went back to our rooms to attempt to sleep again. Klayton went into the bathroom to wash off. Tommy wasn't done yet and made Klayton see his face melting in the mirror, Klayton wasn't paying him any more attention, and said nice effect but nothing that earned him a cigar then he jumped back in the bed and kissed Karalea and told her it was over for the night.

I, on the other hand, was just starting my lovely Kc's haunting beens Skylar and Johnny were sound asleep she came out and wanted to play unfortunately I couldn't physically enjoy it for she wasn't spiritually energetic enough to physically counteract with me so I laid back and let her enter my mind it was like my own personal version of virtual reality it was mentally confusing but it was her way of expressing her feelings for me so who was I to take that from her the only downside to it was even when she was finished I was still horny as hell but I couldn't win them all it even made me wish she was alive for she was so damn cute and she loved me so much, Johnny really loved her she played with him and Skylar, more then she paid me attention until it was nighttime then her attention was all on me.

She had a lot of kinky ideas going thru my mind she put me to sleep very sweetly for what I would call a very ghostly encounter. I didn't have the heart to tell her that tomorrow my friends were going to conjure her out thru a seance but deep down I wondered if she didn't already know that while she was swimming around in my head during her mind meld takeover for a while for it was heavy on my mind and that I didn't approve of them doing it at all. I didn't want her to lose her trust in me even if she was just a ghost.

After she left me alone for the rest of the night I had dreams about her like what it would have been like if she was alive, I was with her, and how happy we would have been it even made tears in my eyes while in my sleep state. Johnny woke me up and asked why I was crying in my sleep I just held him and told him that daddy was just sad for a close friend and that she never had the chance to live then I laid him back down, kissed his forehead, and told him it was ok for him to go back to sleep. I slowly wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to go back to sleep still thinking very heavily about Kc.

Kc was in the room and she heard and felt everything I was thinking, it made her sad knowing that I was so sad for her but it also made her heart go out to me even more knowing that I had loving feelings for her and not just empty lies. I really cared for her but she also knew about the seance tomorrow and decided to come to me and tell me she knew about it and for me not to worry that she knew I was against it. I sat up and wanted to hold her so badly, I just reached out for her she moved in closer to me, laid by my side, and asked me not to be sad for her and it just made her sad to see me sad. I looked up at her and asked her about Tommy and if she knew what his intentions were she went very silent for a few minutes and said she had no idea what was in his head ever since he died he became something different nothing but anger, hatred, violence, and brutal vengeance on anyone that came around for him to take it out on but he never really hurt or killed anyone before he just scared the hell out of them.

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