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I woke up around 9:30 that morning, and headed straight for the kitchen for some coffee, after last night's ordeal, I definitely needed it. Criss was up, glowing, and full of energy for he had breakfast already made and ready to eat. I looked over at the table, Skylar and Johnny were eating already. I walked up to him and asked him in a very low voice if anything strange happened to him last night, he smirked at me and said oh yes something very strange did happen, he was attacked numerous times by a very sexual entity but he wasn't going to complain, I looked at him and said he really needed help and that he was totally twisted.

Criss changed the subject and asked why I asked him that. I grabbed him and pulled him very close to me and told him what happened to me last night and everything I saw. Criss looked at me and said that was messed up seeing Karalea as a rotting corpse. I tugged him over to me again and told him that my house was haunted. Criss chuckled and said I got that right, just then Rachel and Sully raced down the stairs with all their bags and quickly grabbed Skylar and told Criss to take them home and that if he wanted to come back power to him but they weren't going to stay another minute in this house!!

I walked over to Sully and asked them what happened to them last night. Rachel looked at me and said everything! screaming...moaning...crying...things being tossed around the room and every time they tried to get out of the room the door was sealed shut and it didn't stop until after 5:00 this morning. Sully was fine after it stopped and tried to get Rachel calmed down but she stated that she wasn't going to let her little girl stay in a haunted house. Carrot-Top very slowly walked down the stairs and looked all over making sure nothing jumped out at him, we all looked at him and jumped a little bit for he was white as a sheet, and his eyes were bloodshot from not getting any sleep and was very shaken up, he slowly sat down and stated that he wanted to go back to Vegas ASAP.

Johnny ran up to me and jumped in my arms, I asked him how he slept last night he kissed me on the cheek and said very good. I was relieved when the paranormal activity didn't affect the kids yet. Karalea was the last one up and as she came over to me and kissed me on the neck she told me I was acting very strange last night and asked me if I was alright. I kissed her back and said I was just fine now then asked her if anything strange happened to her last night or if she saw anything out of the ordinary she shrugged her shoulders and said nope that she slept like a baby after I came to bed. I went over to Carrot-Top and asked him exactly what he saw last night he turned to me and said there was a crazy lady in his room hitting him with a pillow and telling him to get out of her bedroom and off her bed. I pulled my sunglasses down and asked him if that was it, he looked back at me and said wasn't that enough then he ran over and set beside Rachel.

Rachel and Carrot-Top were really griping at Criss to make him take them back to Vegas and away from my new nightmarish house but Criss was enjoying his stay and told them he wasn't ready to drive all the way back to Vegas, that he came out here to spend his vacation with me, and that's what he and Johnny were going to do. I told everyone to sit down and calm down that everyone had their own little experience last night but when I was here for those two weeks by myself fixing the place up nothing ever happened. Rachel and Karalea said that maybe all the people being here at once woke something up in the house and now they were angry about all of us being here.

Criss laughed and said whatever was haunting him wasn't violent at all, that it had to be a female and whatever she was she really liked him. Karalea rolled her eyes at him and told him how sick and twisted he was that he was having a fling with an entity that acted like it wanted to kill them all. Criss smiled and said it definitely wanted something from him but it wasn't to kill him. Sully laughed with him on that one and added playfully that he was so sharing his room tonight. Rachel slapped her boyfriend and said he would. Sully grabbed her and told her not to be mad and that it was just better to have a loving entity hit than an evil one.

I stood up and told Rachel and Carrot-Top if they really wanted to go I'd take them to town but not Vegas that was too far of a trip for me, and I didn't feel like making it. Carrot-Top said yes very quickly. Rachel grabbed Skylar and told Sully to come on or she'd leave his ass behind for her and their daughter were not staying another night here. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door but when I touched the knob it was so ice cold it burnt me I pulled back and looked at my hand and quickly wrapped it in my shirt tail, as I told them all, we weren't going anywhere. Carrot-Top thought I was fooling around but when he went to the door it flung him back to the stairs that led up to the second-floor bedrooms.

Criss helped him up and asked him if he was ok but he began to panic and said hell no! he wasn't ok!! and that he needed out of here! he rushed to the windows and tried to break them to get out but they were all like they were made of solid clear steel and very unbreakable when Johnny and Skylar saw how some of the grown-ups were reacting they both got scared and began to cry. Criss picked his son up and held him close and said everything was going to be fine that he was right there and would never let anything happen to him then he went over to Carrot-Top and told him and Karalea both to calm their shit down! that they were scaring his son.

They both got onto Criss and said they had every right to be fucking scared! that this house was holding them against their will and was going to do something very bad to them before the night even came.

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