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That morning was just a little bit different for I woke up at 3:13 in the morning I don't know why but something woke me up, I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep. I slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom, I turned on the small light by the sink, turned the water on, and splashed my face a little bit, as I looked up in the mirror I saw something else in the mirror, I jumped back startled...but when I looked again it was gone, that really freaked the hell out of me for I never seen crazy shit like that before. I just didn't have the imagination for fairy tales. I shrugged it off and said I was half asleep and that it was just my brain not receiving enough oxygen.

I walked quietly around to my side of the bed and saw Stutter running out of the room but when I laid down on the bed Stutter was asleep peacefully on my pillow. I told myself no more late-night caffeine for me. I crawled back into bed and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I thought maybe I could wake up my baby and have a little early morning nookie with her but when I touched her shoulder and rolled her over all I saw was a half-rotted corpse. I jumped out of bed and hit the far wall and began to breathe heavily and scream inside a little bit for I fancied myself as a pretty tough guy and it took a lot to shake me up but that was some fucking weird ass shit going on. I asked myself if maybe I was asleep having a twisted ass dream so I kept my eyes closed and called out to Karalea she slowly woke up and asked me where I was I told her comically that I was on the floor.

Karalea slid over to my side of the bed and looked at me I opened my eyes and she was fine, she saw the look on my face and asked me what was wrong. I told her I was seriously tripping on some shit and seeing things that wasn't cool at all. I stood back up and crawled into the bed and looked for the third time and asked where my cat was she looked at me and said Stutter was never in the room and that he was sleeping with Criss and the kids. I told her I just saw him lying on my pillow. She wrapped her arms around me and said I was just tired and needed to go back to sleep and that she would stay awake with me until I fell asleep she gently rubbed my hair and calmed me down enough so I could fall asleep.

In Criss's room, he was having little dreaming of his own only his wasn't so much scary as it was sexually interesting for every time he closed his eyes a beautiful girl would invade his mind and body but when he opened his eyes he was in bed alone with just the two kids and Stutter laying by his head, he laughed to himself as he said thats all he needed was wet dreams while being in the room with his son and goddaughter but it happened every time he closed his eyes, he didn't see her face but he felt the emotions and the touches and some of them were downright kinky,  he snapped out of it again when he heard the crying noises again and turned around to see if the kids were ok, but they were both hugging each other sound asleep. Criss laid back down and twiddled his fingers for a while wondering if he could actually get some sleep without being invaded by some sexual fantasy that wasn't really his.

In Sully and Rachel's room...they were both awake listening to a lot of very disturbing noises and very bad emotions lingered in the room it just made them both feel very insecure and it made the tiny hairs on the back of their necks stand up and tingle. Sully turned on the lights and they both saw a quick flash of something heading right toward them but it vanished right before it hit the bed they both shut up as soon as they noticed they were both screaming. Rachel looked at Sully and held him tightly and said this place was haunted and that she wanted to get out as soon as the sun came up for she wasn't going to let her little girl stay in an evil house. Sully was still having a hard time fathoming what he just witnessed and wondered if they both weren't just seeing things being in a strange new house for the first night but Rachel insisted, and Sully said he would see what he could do for there was really no way for him to do anything or go anywhere, for they all came with Criss in his RV.

Back in Carrot-Tops room, he was wide awake and quivering under his blankets, he saw a lot of scary shit going thru his room. One was a lady and she didn't like him in her room at all and kept swatting at him with her pillow, telling him to get out of her bed but he was petrified his orange hair was standing on end and his eyes were as big as saucers he covered his head with his pillow and curled up in a fetal position and prayed for the night to be over with soon so he could run away very quickly. Even with his head covered, he could still hear the lady cussing him out for being in her room and on her bed, he tried plugging his ears with his fingers which worked long enough for him to actually pass out from exhaustion from nothing more than being very afraid.

As soon as the clocks struck at 5:00 a.m all the hauntings just seemed to stop and everyone finally got to sleep without any more problems except for Criss. the feminine entity that was in his room seemed to have a huge emotional thing going on with him but after the creepy part of it left Criss's mind he started actually to enjoy a little bit of it, he just pulled his hands under his head, closed his eyes and relaxed as he was gently put to sleep.

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