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It was now 5:30 in the morning and the hauntings stopped instantly, all the lights went off except for the light in Criss's room. Kc was still playing with the kids floating them and their toys around them, as soon as Rachel or Karalea would come in the door she would stop and the room would go dim. Criss noticed that Kc tolerated Rachel a lot more than Karalea, for some reason Kc didn't care for her presence at all and would end up running her out hostily. After the haunting stopped for the morning everyone went back to their beds wanting to get some needed and wanted sleep. Criss walked into the bedroom and crawled into the bed and just waited quietly to see if Kc would come back, but when she didn't Criss closed his eyes and tried calling her out by thinking about her. Johnny giggled a little bit which made Criss open his eyes and there she was standing at the foot of the bed.

(Criss's p.o.v.)

I decided to try to talk to her so I sat up and asked her if she would talk to me she gave me a faint smile and floated up and sat down at the foot of the bed in front of me and asked what about. I asked her if she could unlock the house and let me and my friends out of the house. The bedroom lights went dim and she said I had to stay that she wanted me and the kids to stay, that she could protect us from her brothers but she wasn't strong enough to keep them off of everyone for they had more resentment, hatred, and jealousy in them then she did, all she wanted was to love and be loved but she said she didn't like the two females at all.

I gave her a little smile and asked her if she was sure, that maybe it wasn't hate for them she had, but just envious of them for them being alive and not her the lights in the room flickered quickly as she looked down. I reached out to her and told her she was very beautiful and she had such a good heart for keeping the kids and me safe, she looked up and brightened up and said she always would. I wanted to give her a consoling hug but I knew if I tried I'd just go thru her, or would I? I looked right at her and asked her if it was possible for the living to touch the dead she moved closer to me and turned to Johnny and held her arms out to him, he wasn't afraid of her at all he jumped into her arms and she held him then I slid a little bit closer and asked her if I could touch her without going thru her.

Kc moved up to me and reached out to me and touched my hand and said it took a lot of her energy source to do it but it was possible. I knew what I wanted to ask her, but I didn't know exactly how to ask her without bringing her sad memories but I needed to know. I cleared my throat and asked her why her father killed her and her family. Kc looked right at me and said he came home one day very drunk and that he wasn't her real father, that their real father died years before they did that he was their stepfather, and he found out that her mom was seeing another man while he was out drinking and he went crazy and killed the other man, then killed her mom. but when he got to her, her brothers came in and tried to get him off of her the gun Tommy had went off and the bullet went thru Mark and then thru her, by the time their stepfather got the gun Tommy jumped him and he shot him twice in the head than like the drunken coward he was he ran away and disappeared into the woods then she said she was the last one to die for the bullet didn't kill her instantly, that she died very slowly and with so much pain that's when she decided to help anyone that ever came into the house for she was lonely never had a boyfriend never got the chance to have a life she said she never even got to be kissed on her sweet sixteenth.

Johnny and Skylar finally nodded off to sleep from all the excitement, I asked her if there was something her family wanted from us, and if there was a reason for keeping us locked up in the house. Kc looked at me and said it wasn't her family that was keeping us there it was her, for she wanted a family and people to be with she was tired of being alone and now the house was full of life and she loved it. I tried to explain to her that her keeping us there was giving her brother's the opportunity to attack us at our most vulnerable and one of them actually tried to kill a few of us with knives.

Kc stood up and said that Tommy was overly dramatic, but he wasn't dangerous he just liked to scare people. I asked her about her mom and why she was always picking on poor Carrot-Top for. Kc smiled and said that her mom never did like him even when he was doing those old Dell commercials on television then she said it was something about his orange hair she disliked and when he was in her bed that was her mom's last straw. I chuckled a little bit and asked her if she could please ask them to ease up just a little bit on my friends. Kc said she could try talking to them but after being dead so long they wanted something exciting to do, and haunting people was the only fun they could have anymore. I asked her one more time if she'd please unlock the doors then I added that I promised I would stay but some of my friends just couldn't handle the scares that her brothers were giving them.

Kc turned off the lights in the bedroom and refused to answer me at first then she said that we had to stay and that if she opened the doors we'd all leave, and she'd be all alone again and we would never come back, she couldn't and wouldn't ever let that happen then the lights came back on and she was gone.

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