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Klayton and I walked out of the room and slowly headed down to the kitchen with Kc right by our side watching for her brother the rest of the group was so worried about everything that none of them noticed Johnny crawling out of the door and into the hallway out of the safety of the room he slowly stood up and began calling out to me and scampering down the hall but it wasn't me he found he was stopped by a strong physical force and he fell down on his butt and looked up to see Tommy staring down at him.

Johnny didn't understand what Tommy was or that he was dangerous all he knew was that he was like Kc and thought he would be as friendly as she was so he smiled up at him and reached out to him. Tommy gave a cynical smile and knelt down toward him, lifted him up, disappeared with him into the far wall, took him to what used to be his bedroom, locked him in it then left holding Johnny's stuffed rabbit in his hand to show us that he had something very precious of ours, of mine and there was nothing any of us could do to help him.

Rachel saw Skylar still asleep in the bed but noticed that Johnny wasn't in the bed anymore and asked Sully if he saw him maybe go under the bed or in the bathroom, which was attached to the room they all searched everywhere and realized that the door to the bedroom was slightly opened a chill of fear ran down Rachel's spine and raced to the door and looked out both directions then looked at Sully and said Johnny was gone! then she went out of the room, only to be grabbed by Sully who told her that it was too dangerous to be walking around in the house without protection and she needed to wait for me and Klayton to get back so she'd have Kc to protect her as much as she could.

Back down in the kitchen, I was a little confused as to why Tommy didn't come and get us for we were at his mercy right now but he never showed up. I looked at Kc and asked her if she knew why as Klayton was handing me a huge box full of food. I looked down and noticed Stutter was in between my legs and told Klayton to grab his son before he had a heart attack. Klayton looked down and saw his cat, scooped him up quickly, and added that we got everything we could carry then we both rushed faster to get back to the safety of the bedroom.

Once I entered the room and looked at the bed I turned and asked where my son was Rachel said after we had left the room somehow he snuck around them and went out, she tried to go out, but was told to wait until we got back I looked at all of them and told them they just stayed in the fucking room where it was safe while my 3-year-old son was out there with a fucking maniac of a ghost. I dropped the boxes and ran around Klayton and went down the halls calling for my son. Kc vanished from the room and appeared right by my side but when I didn't see him anywhere I asked Kc to check her brother to see if he had him already, she didn't have to for Tommy showed himself to me and dropped the stuffed bunny on the floor at my feet it was riddled all to hell, and it had blood all over it. I knelt down and slowly picked it up and looked right at him and asked him where my son was he grinned devilishly and said he had a lot of fun with him but know he wanted someone a little bigger to play with for there just wasn't enough of the little shit to go around.

I jumped up and attacked him even though I knew I would go thru him for the utter loss, I felt thinking that my son was gone forever. I couldn't take it and told him to give my son back and to take me instead. Tommy laughed and said he was planning on it then as he slowly vanished he said one by one we all shall fall then he was gone. I wanted to get up but I couldn't move. Kc sat down beside me as I cried hysterically which was just what Tommy wanted, for me to suffer and to have pain. Kc touched my face I looked right at her and told her that her bastard fucking brother killed my son & no matter what I was going to get even with him even if I had to die, and go thru hell and back to do it.

Kc smiled at me and closed her eyes tightly then touched my forehead and showed me what she was seeing which was Johnny alive and well with Tommy in his room and that Tommy was actually playing with him a little then as the vision disappeared she said her brother wanted me and the others to suffer but he wasn't a monster deep down he liked the kids and he probably wouldn't hurt them just because of their innocence but it was also a fact, that she couldn't get him out of his room either the only way to get him back, was by Tommy giving him back on his own accord which wasn't very likely but at the moment I didn't care about any of that I was just relieved and delirious to know that my boy was still alive.

I ran back to the safety room and told everyone that my son was with Tommy, but he was unharmed. I asked how we were going to get him back. Karalea looked at me and asked how I knew that he was even still alive. I smiled and told her and all of them that Kc showed me with her eyes that he was safe in Tommy's bedroom and that the mangled bloody toy, was just to make my imagination run away with me to physically cause me pain but it was a hoax my beautiful baby boy was still alive and I needed to get him back after hours of talking and no real outcome of anything I told them all I knew what I had to do. Klayton stopped me and said this was his house and his responsibility then he walked out of the room and headed down to Tommy's room...alone.

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