18 || What the Hell?

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Laura's POV

You never really know who you can trust. You never really know what's going on. And well, things happen for a reason.. right? I walked into school and I saw a locker open. At first, I didn't know whose it was, but then I knew. As I got closer to the locker... it was empty, an empty Ariel Martin locker. Why the hell isn't it filled with pictures and flowers and colorful.. things. I soon realized that it had a sticky note inside and it said... omg. "She's gone" I whispered it to myself. What the actual hell, this better be a prank or something. But the most unusual thing is that nobody was in the hallways. Shit. Assembly, I was about to close the locker when I got this tempted feeling to flip the note over. I did. And it said... wtf "for now or forever?" This makes no sense, I didn't want to touch it anymore so I put it back the way it was and left it open. Once I got to the doors of the assembly I hear someone crying. I walk toward the noise and it's inside the office, it was... it was Ariel's mom crying. I felt a someone's hand touch my shoulder. "What the fuck?" I say with a chuckle as soon as I see it's Jacob, my smile goes away. I shrug my shoulder away from his hand say "What do you want?" He was smiling, until I said that. "Nothing, I just.. I just saw you and I was wondering what you were doing. That's all."

"Well.. I just wanted to stand here that's it. I didn't really want to go to that stupid auditorium anyways." He nods and then walks away, I turn around. "Hey wait..." I turn around and say "What?" He walks over to me and says "Did you see the locker... or even Ariel today?" I sigh, "Yes but not Ariel, I'm guessing you haven't either." Maybe that's why her mom is crying. "Yup, I saw her mom crying in the office before the assembly. And as I can see you have too." I nod, I can't stand to just look at this cheaters face, so I start to walk away. I'm going to head to the bathroom, class hasn't even started. "Hey! Where are you going?" I turn around and say "To class." I walk away and he says "But it hasn't even started." I yell back "I know."

I went straight into the bathroom stalls so I wouldn't get caught. Then I heard a famil... no TWO familiar voices. "I told you she was mental problems." it said while laughing. "Hah, I know right the only reason she disappeared is that probably she wanted attention." said the other girl. Then they started laughing, who the fuck are these people? "Hey, I bet she is shopping for some stripper clothes so she can show Zach... Well, do it to try to get him back." They laughed even harder this time. They broke up?!? So many things are going on in her life once I stop being friends with her. I feel bad for leaving her like that. "People think she's slim thick. HAH! She isn't slim or thick at all, she just fat AF!" said the other girl. Ugh, I can't take them laughing like that and saying those stuff. But if I say something there going to know someone said something about her. And her fans will probably find out and throw hate back. I'll just sit here an- OH! I'll record them. "The worst part is that her teeth look disgusting, and supposedly she doesn't need braces anymore. What a joke!" said the other one. Again they repeated the same thing from before and laughed, but then they got into an interesting topic. "No wonder she made out with Jacob, isn't she desperate." What they know?! "Yeah, I bet she wanted to go next level. Especially since he is really hot." They both giggled after that. "It looks like he has a huge... that when he sees her. I've noticed he gets a huge boner." said one of them. Wtf. "Yup, I mean I wouldn't mind-" SHIT! "GIRLS! Get into that auditorium RIGHT NOW!" Fuck! It was the assistant principle. "Ugh fine." They left, but I could hear the assistant principle opening every stall. Fuck what do I do? But then a miracle happen. "HEY, YOU! GET BACK INTO THAT AUDITORIUM!" She left. Phew.

Jacob's POV

Ugh, I want to get out if this auditorium. It smells like shit, great here comes the announcements. "Attention everyone, today the basketball game is canceled. The science teacher is starting a new project, its..." I zoned out for the rest then I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up and it's Mackenzie, I smile to her. "Hey." she said. "Hey," I said to her. "So are you doing anything later?" I look at her and say "No not really, why?" She starts playing with her fingers and says "Oh, well there's this party and I wanted you to come. It will be fun." I smile at her and she blushes and I say "Okay, in one condition." She gives me a confused and says "What?" I smirk and say "That you will buy me Chipotle since you promised me." She started to laugh and say "Omg, you remembered...*while laughing and blushing." She turned so red so I said: "Looks like you did too." And we were cracking up so hard.

At the end of school, I came up to her asked: "So what time will the party be?" She smiles and says "Well, I guess I'll be saving for Chipotle *We laugh* But it's at 7." I nod and we both walk away from each other. I have a test tomorrow, ugh fuck it. My parents will probably want me to finish my homework. Wait, I have to finish this 3-page math homework. I'll copy of someone tomorrow.

It was 5, I should go take a shower. Once I take a shower I have no Idea what I'm going to wear. But I just sit on my bed on my phone because it barely takes me 30 minutes to get ready. Maybe, this breakup was meant to happen. But where is Ariel tho? Fuck, I shouldn't of...

So what do you think?? What happened to Ariel? Who were those girls? I told you I was going to add mystery 😂 Anyways I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I have been busy. I will be putting more intense stuff in this story, do you guys like?? IK IK so many questions, sorry 😂 I love you guys! We are growing so much! TY 😊❤️

- Leli 💜

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