Chapter Sixteen: Back on Track

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The rest of the weekend CeCe left me to finish my work. I guess she finally understood I really needed this. And with the help of her little blue pills I was able to focus beyond belief. I finished all the work in record time and even got some sleep Sunday night. 

I finally started to feel like myself again. Better than myself even. I felt like I was on top of the world. 

Monday I woke up with energy I didn't know I could have. We all ate a happy breakfast with together and Oli even spoke to CeCe and I on the way to school. 

Everything was falling into place. I was back on track. 

"I'm impressed." Mr. Turner said as I turned in all of my make up work with my papers today. 

"I'm sorry I got a little to into my own head."

"Everything good now?" 


"Good. I don't want this to become a regular thing. This was your one and only chance. I will let you fail next time."

"There won't  be a next time." I promised a genuine promise.

He nodded and waved me off as he looked over my work. 

I left the room. I started to happily walk to the car, grateful that the day was over and all my teachers were happy. As I walked past some of the last classrooms before the exit I was forcefully pulled into one. 

I was waiting for the hit. That's what usually happened. But it never came. Instead I felt soft arms snake around my neck and moist lips kissing mine. 

I smiled into her kiss.

"We should do this more often." She said pulling away from me. 

I wasn't letting go though. I've been waiting on this all weekend. 

"We have to get home. You have homework to do."

"I'll do it later."

I tried to kiss her again but she pulled me out of the room.

She sat in the front with Oli on the ride home. I could see her fighting to hold back a smile. I didn't even bother trying to hide mine. 

When we arrived home Ann and Michael were already there. The house felt heavy. I almost didn't want to be there. 

"Fresh meat." Oli whispered. 

"Shh." CeCe replied. 

We slowly walked through the living room into the kitchen. None of us were expecting what we saw. 

"Cecelia!" The woman said jumping up to hug CeCe.

CeCe face went through a million emotions in a split second. She never hugged the woman back. She just stood frozen.

"Boys would you mind doing your homework in your rooms or in the basement today? Were going to need some time alone." Ann said giving away who this woman was. 

Oli and I nodded. Both of us frozen with shock. Was CeCe's mom going to take her back?

"Now please." Michael said sternly. 

We both quickly unfroze and headed towards the basement. CeCe's eyes caught mine and I could tell she didn't want to be left alone with them. I wanted to jump in and save her. I wanted to take her hand and run as fast as we could away from this moment. But I knew no matter what I did what was about to happen was inevitable.

Oli and I sat at the top of the steps, trying to hear what was being said but we could only make out a few words now and then. 

"She's going to take CeCe back you know." Oli said. 

I ignored him. I didn't want to think about it. 

"Your never going to see her again." He grinned. 

"What is your problem?"

"You. How exactly could some little punk ass kid like you come in and take the girl I wanted without even trying? I don't fucking get it."

I just shook my head. I didn't have time for his anger. I wanted to know what was going to happen. 

"No! Fuck you! I hate you!" I heard CeCe yell. "You couldn't pay me to go back with you!" 

I couldn't see her but I could hear it in her voice. She was crying. I cracked the door so I could hear more of the conversation. 

"Can't you do something?" CeCe asked. I'm assuming to Ann and Michael. 

"They don't have the power Cecelia I am your mother." 

"Your kidding right? How are you any type of a mother? Your a complete and total worthless piece of shit."

"CeCe." Ann said softly in attempt to calm her down.

"No! She can't do this!"

"I can Cecelia and I'm going to. You are coming back home." Her mother said.

I heard the front door open and shut, Averi and Noah just got home. 

"Please go to your rooms." Ann asked before they could even get into the kitchen. 

"I'm leaving." I could hear CeCe footsteps moving quickly. 

"Cecelia!" Her mother called after her. 

I couldn't take sitting her anymore I opened the basement door and ran after CeCe, pushing past her mother. 

"Aaron!" Michael called after me. 

I didn't care though. They could yell at me when I got back. I wasn't going to leave CeCe alone. She needed someone. I knew she did. 

I finally caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. 

"Just leave me alone." She turned with tears flooding her eyes. "Just go back please."


"I can't go back Aaron. I can't go with her."

"I know. We will figure it out." I said pulling her into a hug. 

She sobbed into my shirt while I held her tight. 

"Let's go to Jake's." I said running my fingers through her hair. 

I didn't want to go. I knew what it would mean. But I wanted to do anything that would make her feel better even for just a moment. 

She nodded and took my hand. We walked the back way to Jake's so there was no chance of Ann and Michael seeing us. 

We knocked on Jake's door and he answered with a big smile and a hug for CeCe. He invited us in and immediately went to his collection. 

"Pick your poison." He said opening his cabinet. 

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