*Miles Edgeworth x Reader*

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This was the first time that Miles allowed me to join a trial, which was kinda strange for him but still it was really sweet.
Shortly after we entered court, everyone else joined us.
"The Prosecution is ready, your honor."
Before Wright said anything he locked at me and then at Miles.
"The Defense is ready, your honor."
Miles placed one of his hand on the counter and smirks darkly, while Wright looks at me with a nervous look.
"Witness please enter!"
It was an old lady with janitor like clothes... she instantly looked in Miles direction and started fangirling.
"Edgey! Come over here and give me a kiss!" Said the old lady with a flirty smirk.
He started to blush and looked at the table with an angry face, could anything make him feel even worse? Oh yes there is something that could make him feel worse...
"Old lady would you stop that please? He's my boyfriend!"
Everyone was shocked, except Miles because he was the only one, who got really mad and slammed his hands on the counter and started to shout at me.
After the trial got adjourned, Miles grabbed my arm and dragged me with him, when we were completely alone Miles started to shout at me again.
Shortly after he said that, he got calm and waited patiently for my answer.
My heart was beating fast, which made it difficult to talk... but I had to tell him right and now, before he finds someone else!
"I.... did it, because ..." I took a deep breath to calm myself down, but all of a sudden Miles lays a hand on my head and gently rubs it.
He sighed and started to talk before I even could finish my sentence.
"Maybe I overreacted a little..." Right as he wanted to leave I yelled at him.
"EDGEWORTH! I didn't finish my sentence!" Miles turned around and looked pretty shocked about my sudden behaviour.
"I did say that I'm your girlfriend because I wanted her to stop but to tell you the truth I even did it because I LOVE YOU!"
For a moment there was only silence until Miles cleared his throat and softly smiled at me.
"Even though you're really annoying, I still... feel the same..."
It took me a while to realize what he meant but after I realized it, I instantly ran into his arms and held him close.
Suddenly he pushed me away and went to the door. "[Y/N] are you coming? Or should I leave you here?" "Coming!"

My exams are starting on Wednesday sooo~ I'll be away for some time! Don't worry I still answer messages but I won't write new stories! ~ Love ZacksAngelAerith

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