Raiden x Abused!Child!Reader PART1/?

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~Reader is about 10-12 years old.~

"Hey Raiden, do you hear those sobs?" Courtney gently asked over codec.
"Now that you mention it, yeah I do."
"Sounds like a Kid, Raiden could you look for it?" Boris voice was full of worry.
"I will."
Raiden ran around a little and found a small girl, sobbing between two close build houses.
"Hey little one, are you alright."
Raiden said, as he knelt infront of her and opened his hair hand for the young kid to grab it.
[Y/N] was shocked at first as she saw Raiden, because of his cyborg body.
"Are you hurt?"
She showed the wounds on her arms and legs and began sobbing even worse.
"May I ask who did this to you?"
The young girl shook her head.
"Should I bring you home?"
Raiden lovingly asked, as the kid took his hand.
"N-no! Not home!"
The young man was quite suprised at the response of her.
It seemed like she would begin to cry every passing second.
"Raiden, we gathered some information about that kid, her name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N] and she seems to get abused at home." Kevin interrupted them.
"That would explain her wounds, what should I do with her now?"
"Why not take her with you and bring her here to us? She's in danger anyway and you could defend her, if something would happen."
Raiden sighed and nodded.
The young girl smiled at him and hugged him.
"A-are you helping me?"
The white haired nodded again and lifted her carefully up and gave her a piggyback.
"Uhm Mister Cyborg? What's your name?"
He told her his name quite embarrassed.
"Raiden... thank you for saving me."
She sweetly told him.

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