chapter 1 the beginning

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Note: hey guys I just finished the book Fairytail mermaids which some of you know and now I'm going to update on this one I hope you enjoy as much as you did the last one.

Future flash
No ones pov
"Your finished Levy McGarden ."
*fires the gun*
"Levy Nooooooo!"

Levy POV
Dogs barking and police cars are coming. No what your thinking no I'm not a police officer. I was but now I'm a Spy a detective. They call me when things are bad.
Officer Lucy:"You are under arrest for stealing thousands of jewels across the country. You have the rights to remain silent anything you say can be used against you. Great Job Levy you helped catch this guy. Its been taking us about 2 or 3 months already scene he can easily his his tracks."
Levy:"No problem. Well I'm going to return back to head quarters. Bye Happy. Bye Lucy."
Happy:"Bark.( Happy is a police dog in this story not a cat sorry)."
Lucy:"Levy wait why don't you join me and my husband Natsu. Were having spaghetti and chicken and a salad come on and join us."
Levy:"No its fine I'll just eat dinner alone with my dog pantherlily."
Lucy:" Pantherlily can come too he can hang out with Happy."
Levy:"No its fine I should really get going."
Lucy:"Okay well don't forget we will call you if we ever need help."
Levy:"You can count on me."
Later at head quarter
Erza:"Very good Levy you successfully found him and we got him just in time too. I have another mission for you if you will accept it actually two mission."
Levy:"I will accept any mission."
Erza:"Oh okay first get your self a man your already 23 and Lucy already got married and she is only 21."
Levy:"I will but its just that I haven't found the right one yet."
Erza:"Also this is for real this time. You need to get this man his name is unknown but he calls himself Phantom Lord."
Levy :" So what is the reason I have to get him."
Erza:" well actually you are going to help Wendy."
Levy:"Oh yes Wendy I know her she is the first teen to be a spy she is really nice."
Erza:"Yes she accepted the job but there's one probably she was going to be used for entertainment and she can't do that because her chest is well you know and he needs a bunny girl and a pole dancer and a maid. Can you do it."
Levy:"Yes I'll do it for Wendy."
Erza:"Perfect well the reason why we are getting him is because he is planning on taking over the President and is planning on taking his daughter into prisoner. Unfortunately yesterday he was close of getting the President daughter when they were opening the new museum down town."
Levy:"oh course it's just like the movies so you want me to work undercover and get enough information from him and stop him before he gets to do anything bad."
Era:"Of course but this is no movie and you must be careful. Wendy was almost getting caught when sending this information to us. She had to do shopping with one of Phantom Lord most trusted assistant and was almost told on but he decided to let it slide for Wendy said it was for her sick Grandma and she was sending money to her house. But she send it to me instead."
Levy:"Who is this man Wendy was with?"
Erza:" Well his nick name is Black steel, Iron head, Medal head but his name is Gajeel Redfox. I warn you be careful this man used to work with the government but unfortunately something happened and he left and ended up there. Bow there's only two questions left."
Levy:"What is that?"
Erza:"Do you know how to Pole dance and dance in a bunny suit?"
Levy:"I did go to classes for pole dancing but I never tried dancing in a bunny suit."
Erza:"Then you should ask Lucy."
Erza:"Yes Lucy was the best bunny dancer in our high school days. I will send you the rest of the information you need to know tomorrow so check your mailbox early in the morning."
Levy:"Yes Erza."
Erza:"Good luck you might need it."

Cliff hanger
Note: guys I hope you enjoy this chapter I will update note later. Bye enjoy. Until next time y'all

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