chapter 10

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Note: hey btw(by the way) if you skipped the part where sex was happening the picture shows what basically happened 👆. hey guys this book will come to an end soon I don't know how many chapters I will add but the ending will come soon. I promise you guys the ending will be good. I promise. Now let's get on with this chapter.

Levy POV
I woke up and it was morning. It was 5:30 no one was up yet the sun was slowly raising but it was still dark outside. I was in Gajeel room still. What happened last night was amazing. I decided to get up and change and GI to my room.
Gajeel:"Where are you going?"
Levy:"To my room."
Gajeel:"No please stay."
Gajeel:"I'm scared to sleep by myself. I never slept with anyone before and no that I slept with you I'm scared how it feels like to sleep on my own. Please stay."
Levy:"I have to go to my room."
Gajeel:"Fine I'll join you."
Levy:"Hey hot stuff...umm.. Before you go out that door you might wanna put some cloths on first."
Gajeel:"oh right sorry stay here I won't take long."
Gajeel POV
Last night was amazing. I really did have fun. I never felt love like this before. I wonder when should I propose to her. Wait Gajeel take it slow. You admit your feelings to her and have sex on the same night and now you want to marry her. Well I should start going on a hunt and find a ring to fit her finger.
Gajeel:"Okay come on let's go."
Later at Levy's room
Levy:"I have to report to Erza."
Gajeel:"Oh okay."
Levy:"Erza are you there."
I turn around and then see Erza face on the screen.
Erza:"Levy you have to try and stop phantom lord before the second of November."
Levy:"Today is the 31 so we have like 2 more days till the 2."
Gajeel:"Oh that day is the day of the dead. Man if we don't do this we'll have a funeral that same day."
Erza:"Is that Gajeel?!"
Erza:"Levy you can't work with him."
Gajeel:"Why can't I is there a problom!?"
Erza:"You are untrustworthy worthy you can't be trusted and you aren't supposed to be in Levy's room."
Gajeel:"Look Erza I don't care. I may look like a freak which is probably why people don't trust me but Wendy and Levy trust me. And I trust Levy. I love her. And if I can't work with her I will tell everyone your secret!"
Erza:"You don't know me... and what secret?"
Gajeel:"That you like books with a little perverted and..."
Erza:"Okay okay! Fine but I swear Gajeel if you hurt Levy your gonna get it."
Gajeel:"Why would I do that Titania I love Levy so I'm not gonna let anyone hurt my girl. Bye bye."
I close her laptop and see her.
Her face was brighter than Erza hair color.
Gajeel:"Awe is my little shrimp blushing?"
Levy:"No its just hot in here."
Gajeel:"Oh then it must be me because I'm pretty hot don't you think."
Levy:"Hahaa maybe. 😏."
Gajeel:"Hey what is that supposed to mean? That's it time for your punishment. Pillow fight!"
Levy:"Gajeel no!"
We had a pillow fight which then turned into a tickle fight and then it turned into a make out section.
Gajeel:"I love you levy you do know that."
Levy:"Yes I love you too."
Few hours later.
Levy POV
It was time for work me and gajeel went down to the studio to work on music and while we did I tried to figure out some new dance moves to make my job more fun.
Wendy:"Hey guys the boss calls."
Levy:"Oh another announcement?"
Wendy:"No he just wants to see you and gajeel and me."
Gajeel:"Oh well let's go."
We came to the office to see phantom lord in a angry mood.
Holy shit I forgot!!!!
I was supposed to meet him. I'm dead.
Levy:"Good morning."
Gajeel:"Sup boss."
Phantom lord:"Wendy come here I need you to get me something."
As levy walked a little slow she leaned in for the boss can whisper in her ears. She then walked out the door.
Phantom lord:"Levy you didn't do what I told you to do. Where were you?!"
Levy:"Well last night I was ..."
Levy you can't tell him I was having sex with Gajeel.
Levy:"I was reading a book in the library because you said we can do what ever we want and I lost track if time and got into the book and forgot."
His face was full of rage. His fave was heating up you can feel a lot if hate in him and anger.
Phantom lord:"Gajeel!?"
Gajeel:"Yeah boss."
Phantom lord:"Last time you said you were responsible for her right!?"
Gajeel:"Yes sir."
Wendy then came in walking in her hand she had a whip. She then gave it to the phantom lord.
Phantom lord:"Go away Wendy you are done here go do your duty's."
Wendy:"Yes sir."
Wendy walked out of the room but I can tell she was waiting outside the door.
Phantom lord:"Here gajeel take this whip and punish her!"
Gajeel:"What why I can't!"
Phantom lord:"Gajeel do it you said it your self you are responsible for this brat. Now punish her or should I do it remember last time what happened when I punished someone with this whip."
Gajeel:"Levy I'm sorry."
Phantom lord:"Take of her uniform for you can whip her good."
Gajeel only unbotten the back and made sure my breast weren't exposing in the front.
Gajeel POV
I started whipping her. She yelled in pain. I want to stop this but I can't if I do then he will punish her and might kill her. Last time this happened to someone else.
After a few more whips her back was red and bleeding a little.
Phantom lord:"This enough now take her away and go back to work."
Gajeel:"Yes sir."
I carried Levy she was to weak to walk. I opened the door and closed and and to see Wendy outside waiting for Us.
Wendy:"I'll get my first aid kit. You are gonna have to heal her cause I need to go back to work."
After Wendy gave me her aid kit I took her to my room to heal her.
Wendy:"Take care of her gajeel I need to go to work."
Gajeel:"Thank you."
Levy:"Bye Wendy."
Wendy then left and it was just me and levy.
Gajeel:"Levy I am so sorry."
Levy:"It's okay. I rather get a punishment from you then him. I know what happened to that girl she got punished and died for the lost of blood."
Gajeel:"I'll make it up to you but I need to ask, what did you have to do with him yesterday?"
Levy:"Umm.. I had to do the same thing we did yesterday..."
Gajeel:"What your telling me he wanted to!?"
Gajeel:"Gihee good thing I got to you first before him."
Levy:"Hey what is that supposed to mean."
Gajeel;"That I love you."
Levy:"U love me?"
Gajeel:"Yes more than my music."
Levy:"I love you more."

To be continue.

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