chapter 6

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Third person POV
Everyone that worked for Phantom Lord came to the main room where all the parties and meetings are held.
Phantom Lord:"I'm sure you are all wondering why you are here.In about three more days Halloween will come and its that time of year for the grand Halloween Party. Now everyone must be prepare for the food and everything for the party. But remember you aren't aloud to eat or have fun until the party is over and you guys can have a break and eat the left over food . Understand!? Good now dismissed. Oh and Gajeel Levy I must speak with you."
Everyone started clearing out and started working on getting supplies and thinking of what to make.
Levy and Gajeel went to the office of Phantom Lord to see what he wanted.
Phantom Lord:"You probably already know what I want Gajeel and Levy. I need you to right a new song something that fits the theme for that day."
Levy:"What how can we make a new song in three days?"
Phantom Lord slapped Levy in the face which sent her flying.
Gajeel:"Levy are you okay?"
Phantom Lord:"How dare you speak to me like that. You barely started working today and already getting on my nerves!"
Gajeel:"Boss don't do this to her she is my responsibility!"
Phantom Lord:"Gajeel you are my trusted worker here don't make me punish you or worse!"
Gajeel:"Yes Lord."
Phantom Lord:"Okay off you go."
Gajeel went to pick up Levy who had passed out after a hit. She was strong but not strong to get a hit on the face unexpected.
Gajeel started to take Levy to his room instead of hers for she can feel better.
Gajeel POV
I can't believe phantom lord did that to my shrimp. She seems alright but she is starting to get a purple mark on her cheek. Something about her makes me feel different she makes me want to care for her forever. She makes me want to kiss her. Should I? No Gajeel stop it. You shouldn't? Maybe just one kiss on her cheek.
Levy POV
All I remember was me getting knocked out by the boss. I felt light and I felt someone carrying me. Open my eyes slowly but just a little because it was to bright. I see Gajeel all of a sudden closing up to me his eyes were closed and he was getting closer. I turn my face a little to his direction.
Before I finished talking Gajeel kissed me on the lips. They were soft and warm. But I guess Gajeel opened his eyes too because we broke apart and I fainted again for to much thinking because my face still hurt.
Gajeel pov
I leaned in to Levy cheek and had my eyes closed.
I kissed her but for some reason I thought I heard levy. I opened my eyes and realized I was kissing her on the lips. Her lips were cold and tasted like apples and strawberries must be because of her chap stick she uses. I quickly pull apart from her lips waiting for her to yell at me or slap me and call me a baka but instead she passed out. I wonder why.
We were almost to my room. I open the door and see my room all clean must because that little Wendy girl must have been here cleaning.
Gajeel:"Here you go Levy I make you some tea for when you wake up."
I go to my small little kitchen that the boss made me scene I had requested a private kitchen in my room and started making Levy some tea. Her lips felt nice I want to feel them again. I want to fast the sweet flavor of strawberries and apples on her. Wait Gajeel stop it you can't fall for her and plus she probably still doesn't trust me she probably thinks of me as an enemy still even after I told her about the truth. But there is on thing I never told her.
Flash back
Gajeel:"Look I'm sorry I'm always busy but you understand you are the Presidents daughter and you know your dad always wants me to work 24/7."
Lily:"Look I don't care you are my boyfriend."
Gajeel:"I'm sorry but I just keep working."
Lily:"No Gajeel I am sick of your dumb excuses I never even heard you say I love you and I never had a kiss from you! You know what! This isn't working I may be the President Daughter but I can't fire you and if I can I would. But let me say this. I'm dumping you I never loved you anyways! You look ugly as fuck and look weird with no eyebrows and you suck at singing and no one will love you I just don't love you I hate you and I never want to speak with you or see you in my sight!"
Gajeel:"Fine who needs you anyways!"
Flash back ends
Why did I ever date the President daughter?
Oh well that happened the day before I got fired.
But she is right no one would love me and no one will appreciate me for who I am.
Levy POV
I started waking up. My head stilled hurt but I found my self in a bed. I get up slowly and see gajeel in his small kitchen.
Gajeel:"Oh your awake. Want some tea I don't have that much tea I only have Apple , chamomile, Raspberry,and English green tea. Which would you like or prefer?"
Levy:"I will take apple."
Gajeel serves my tea and brings it to me in his bed.
Gajeel:"Feeling better?"
Levy:"Thank you Gajeel."
Something doesn't feel right I don't know if it was a dream but I thought gajeel kissed me.
Levy:"Hey Gajeel?"
Levy:"Was it a dream or did you kiss me?"
Gajeel:"Levy you must have been dreaming sometimes when people get hit in the head they imagine things or dream about them."
Levy:"How do you know?"
Gajeel:"Well let's say I wasn't always a great fighter no one was born knowing how to do stuff."
Levy:"I guess your right."
Gajeel POV
Damn to close.
Oh no not another question.
Gajeel:"Yeah shrimp."
Levy:"Thank you."
Levy:"For helping me feel welcome here. I know we just met but."
What is she gonna confuse her feelings to me awe how sweet.
Levy:"I'm glad to have you as a friend and I like seeing you as a brother to me."
(Note: Omg Gajeel has just been friend zone Levy wtf :(  . ).
Gajeel:"Umm.. Thank you."
With that levy smiled and continue to drink her tea.
Just friends well okay I wish we were more but then again we only met a day.
Gajeel:"Levy this might sound weird but would you like to spend the night here in my room?"
Levy:"Um sure okay why not. If its no problem."
Gajeel:"Don't worry its no problem at all you can sleep on my bed I'll sleep on the floor well you should get some sleep its already 8:55 and we have a busy day tomorrow."
Levy:"Okay goodnight Gajeel."
Levy soon fell asleep.
Gajeel:"Goodnight Levy."
Levy:"I heard that."
Levy:"You said my name yay!"
Gajeel:"Oi aren't you supposed to be asleep!"
Levy:"Okay okay. Goodnight then."
God that shrimp is gonna be the death of me.

Hope you liked it well later I might update after a cold shower bye.

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