chapter 4

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Levy POV
Okay let's do this. Just act natural its like getting a new job but your spying on them.
Gajeel:"Hey shrimp what's on your mind."
Gajeel:"Well here we are this is your room."
Damn the room was so big and pretty.
Levy:"Oh thank you. You shouldn't have."
Gajeel:"Gihee yeah I know I shouldn't have because this isn't your room. This is the guest room. Come on I'll show you your real room."
God what a jerk I actually thought he wasn't that bad.
Gajeel:"Okay here we are sorry we couldn't find you a room so now you have to sleep in the library no one even comes here so make your self at home."
Levy:"I love it!"
Levy:"I love it I can read all these books while I'm here."
Gajeel:"Oh your a BookShrimp then."
Gajeel:"Let me explain*Gets a chart out of thin air* so it's you shrimp but scene your a book worm just combine the word together and you get BookShrimp!"
Levy:"I think I know that ! How did you get that chart?"
Gajeel:"Gihee a magician doesn't tell his secrets now get ready the boss said you have to dress in your working cloths and you have to preform so he can see if you fit for the job."
Gajeel:"Oh and shrimp here is the keys. To your room."
Levy:"Where is the other key you said keys this is only one?"
Gajeel:"Oh don't worry I have it so you don't have to worry about anyone coming in but me. Gihee."
What is this guy he is so creepy.
I got changing when I heard a knock on my door.
Levy:"Gajeel go away I am changing."
Wendy:"Levy its me."
I run to the door and see Wendy standing there in a maids outfit.
Levy:"Its great to see you. What is it?"
Wendy:"I came here to clean the room or should I say library even thou no one comes here but me when I have free time. Also I came to inform you about the job so close the door."
Levy:"So what do I have to do."
Wendy:"Okay so you have to preform which you already know but he might ask you questions and some might be embarrassing. I got asked so many embarrassing question that I ran away crying after my interview. But either way I was no good and I asked you to come here because I can't get near the boss or Gajeel scene Gajeel is trusted more by the boss."
Levy:"Oh what kind of questions?"
Wendy:"I don't know but I heard from the other maids and butlers that work here say that he gives everyone different questions they say just by him looking at you he can tell everything. So try not to overreact because the more you overreact the more embarrassing they'll get."
Levy:"I'm sure it won't be that bad."
Wendy:"Yes it is because everyone that works here have to watch the interview no matter what so everyone will stare and listen to you. Well we better get going."
Phantom Lord:"Aw you must be Levy. "
Levy:"Yes Phantom Lord."
Phantom Lord:"Oh please call me Master your making me blush any who let's get started. Gajeel! Come here with your guitar and microphone and start singing your toon for Levy can do her bunny dance and pole dancing."
Gajeel came in a white tux and having a metal guitar in his hands. He looks handsome that I couldn't stop staring.
Phantom lord:"No ready when you are."
Gajeel:"Here I go Shoo ba do ba..."
Omg is he serious. Well he isn't half bad his voice sounds smooth but then you here a little voice crack when he is trying to do his high notes.
Phantom lord:"Well you seem good for the job but now let's start getting to the real deal and let's me ask you some questions that might get to personal."
Oh no here comes the questions.
Phantom lord:"Where do you come from."
Levy:"My mom where else."
Phantom lord:"Hahaa playing smart I see okay wanna play like that let's see you answer these questions."
Shit why did I say that sure it was funny but me and my big mouth.
Phantom lord:"Had any self experiments? Or did anything with anyone?"
Levy:"Whhaaa no why would I I mean I wouldn't do it to myself but no and I surely never done anything with anyone because I haven't found the one yet."
Phantom lord:"So if I tell you no if I order you to come to my room and do something with me would you do it?"
Levy:"N-no of course not!"
Phantom lord:"Even if it mean your life depends on it?"
Levy:"I don't know."
Phantom lord:"We'll keep her she will do unless Gajeel agrees scene you will be working with him."
Gajeel:"Let me examine her first. Mhm short which is kind of disappointing. Flat chest which is fine I guess. But she has this nice ass I guess she will do."
Levy:"Hey what am I a desert I am not something for you can just pick up."
Gajeel:*Picks up levy and puts her on his shoulder*"Wow how did I do that I just picked you up!?"
Phantom Lord:"Alright everyone get back to work. Levy you start work tomorrow."
Levy:"Yes sir."
I was carried away scene Gajeel still had me on his shoulder.
Gajeel:"Hey shrimp."
Gajeel:"I know who you are."
What is this guy can he read my mind or my brain wait that's the same thing.
Levy:"What are you talking about."
Gajeel:"I know who you really are."
Levy:"Well of course you do I work here with you."
Gajeel:"No I know who you really are."
Gajeel took me to his room. His room was big and had the color black for the walls and a bed with red blankets and pillow.
Gajeel:"Make yourself comfortable."
Gajeel:"Want some snacks I have some chips."
Levy:"Yes please. So what do you mean before."
Gajeel:"Beer? Water? Tea?"
Levy:"Water. Gajeel stop changing the subject! What do you mean you know who I am!?"
Gajeel:"Do you really think I'm stupid I know who you really are Detective Levy you spy."
What to do play it cool play with his mind.
Levy:"Oh look a butterfly."
Gajeel:"Levy how can there be a butterfly in my room when the windows aren't open and we are inside."
Levy:"What do you want."
Gajeel:"I wanna help you."
Gajeel:"I wanna help you."
Gajeel:"Omg are you death I W A N N A H E L P Y O U. Spell it out."
Levy:"No I heard I'm just confused why? How do you know who I am."
Gajeel:"Did your leader not tell you I used to work for the government? I know who and what you are because I did research through some files when I worked there because I found you a suspect for a government scene you know when some tried to get in the building and try to steal something from the President place when that big party to celebrate that party you were there."
Levy:"Oh so that's why they took me to court because I was a witness at the crime if the scene and I was a found a suspect."
Gajeel:"Yeah I got kick out of the government because I failed to catch the crime and you were the one who caught the bad guy."
Levy:"Yeah that was hard it took me three weeks to keep track and see where they would strike next. I'm sorry I took your job."
Gajeel:"I also didn't get kicked out I quite."
Gajeel:"They didn't let me take this case they didn't let me make up for my mistake they didn't think I was good enough and I left because I found out on of the people that work with you would come here and take the case so I hired myself to work here with phantom lord and became close to him so I can get some information out of him. Face it Levy you need me I have been here for a long  time I know everything."
Levy:"No you need me."
Gajeel:"what are you talking about."
Levy:"You decided to work here for then you can solve this and redeem yourself and possibly work at the place I work with to prove the government you weren't useless."
Gajeel:"What how did you know!?"
Levy:"I read your journal while you were telling me your story cause you were spacing out. You have some great song lyrics in here."
Gajeel:"Shut up. So what do you say."
Levy:"I'm in."
Wendy:"I'm in too!"
Levy Gajeel:"Wendy!?"
Levy:"Where did you come from."
Wendy :"Under the bed I was cleaning in here and I heard you guys coming and his under the bed because I didn't have time to escape. He hee."
Gajeel POV
Well this is a turn in event.
Gajeel:"Okay let's get out of here and work before the boss gets suspicious ."
Wendy:"I'll finish cleaning here."
Gajeel:"Follow me to my studio."
Levy:"You have a studio?"
Gajeel:"umm yeah how do you think I practice its sound proof you can here from the outside and its where I record my CDs cause the boss puts them on when I can't preform when I'm sick."
Levy:"Sounds Gay."
Gajeel:"Oh sure it does we also love to cuddle together and talk about lovey dove stuff."
Gajeel:"I'm joking god you have no idea how many lady's he brings in to his bed room its sometimes a three way."
Levy:"Have you done that?"
Gajeel:"No haven't found the one and plus I'm not interested in that live stuff right now I like to consecrate in my music."
Maybe being here with this metal head wouldn't be that bad. This actually might be fun but I still have to concertante and working then on having fun.

There you go guys 1744 words. I'm so sorry I have been busy one because school is out and yes its Summer now but I'm working I do babysitting and get paid $104 every week and I haven't had time and today I had time well goodnight y'all I'll try to update tomorrow or when I have free time.

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