Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Mum was late home, once again and the echo's of screams, swearing and bangs were also once again managing to not so difficulty make its way to our ears. Skylar shuffles closer to me as another noise, extremely similar to a gunshot sounds, the vacancy of our flat making it sound even louder then it actually was. I pull her small body into my arms, rocking her back and forth, whispering reassuring words into her ear, while she curls up into a ball and begins to mumble to herself. A habit she has developed after so many years of going through the same treatment.

Being stuck in cheap, old and extremely dangerous places that we were ashamed to call our homes meant that nights alone with Sky were not unusual but Saturdays were by far the worst. Not knowing if someone was seconds away from kicking open our unlocked door, and ending our unlived lives with a flick of their hand. What scared me the most though was the thought of also losing my sister. Losing her would be losing my world so taking the time to calm and soothe Sky was the least I could do to protect her.

Mum had come up with a secret place located under the table and behind the cover of an ancient, priceless cupboard containing nothing but cobwebs. However this place seemed to put at least some of our worries to rest. Especially my mums. Don't get me wrong, my mum is not one to leave her kids alone in such a dirty and shameful environment on purpose and with out any cause. But the effects of her staying at home and protecting us would be no different if not worse then her leaving us home alone. At least this way she was managing to earn at least a few penny's to spend on a bit of food to keep us going for the next couple of days.

However those few pennys where hardly going to last for a few minutes let alone long enough to be able to feed us for the day, so another weight is added to my shoulders. To say I don't mind would be an understatement but I would do almost anything to keep our family strong and alive even if that meant doing something I'm not quite so comfortable with.

As another bang sounds through the building, I now notice that Sky has fallen asleep. Now, after the elimination of her quite mumbling all that can be heard are quiet footsteps, I begin to tremble against Skylar's body as certain scenarios about what could happen fill my head. My shoulders tense up as the footsteps come closer and closer towards our worn out door, but they slump back down in relief as they fade away up the stairs.

Slowly laying Skylar down on the makeshift bed, made out of an old sofa rug (skillfully slotted out by mum) and Skylar's mickey mouse blanket sent from a competition we won from the back of a cereal box. I remember that day, being one of the happiest days of our lives, just knowing that Sky was happy made my reason of existence complete.

Gently, I brush away her soft, golden locks from in front of her face and begin to hum

"All night, all day, angels watching over me, my Lord.

All night, all day, angels watching over me.

Sun is a-setting in the West; angels watching over me, my Lord.

Sleep my child, take your rest; angels watching over me. All night, all day, angels watching over me, my Lord.

All night, all day, angels watching over me."

A smile spreads across her beauties face, leaving me with enough satisfaction to lean back against the wall and let my eyes droop closed.


I am jolted awake when the top of my head comes into contact with a rather hard surface, my eyes shoot open, and I wince as the pain begins to settle in my head, I soon realise that I am not only in exactly the same place as I was last night, but also in exactly the same position, with my crooked neck and sore muscles I am going to regret ever going to sleep last night. Quickly glancing to my left, I sigh at least one of us seems to be having a good sleep, I'd hate to be the one to ruin it but she is probably already late for school. She'll thank me when she's older, I tell myself before gently lifting her off the sofa rug and into my arms and sliding myself and her still sleeping form out from under the table.

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