Chapter 6

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He was gorgeous.

That was the first and only thing that entered my brain for a while until Jace nudged me, quite hard, asking me what I want to eat.

Even though it was thoughtful of him to finally remember that I am here, my locked gaze was now broken and I could only steal quick glances at the hot new arrival at the table.

"Nothing much dude, just Jace's girlfriends introduction," he looks over at me again and my heart beat escalates in a couple of seconds.

"Hi, I am Colton... You are?" Colton. I have to admit its a pretty cool name for such a hot guy. Fits him perfectly.

Realising everyone was waiting for my answer I quickly replied quite squeakily

"Brooklyn." Giving him the biggest smile I could manage. Jace looked at me oddly and then when everyone else returned to their conversations he turned to me and said

"What is wrong with you? Can't you behave for one night?"


"If smiling now counts as misbehaving then yeah I can't." Glaring at me for a final time he decided to ignore me, much to my pleasure.

"Hey?" I turn to see my beloved Colton looking at me.

Looking around to make sure he wasn't looking at someone else I turned back and replied with an uncertain,

"Hey?" He nods his head at the drink he is pouring himself

"Want some?" I nod my head yes.

Might as well make the most of this free food.

He takes an extra glass from the rack and fills it with the exquisite looking liquid.

"So, how did you guys meet?" He says obviously trying to start up a conversation. I quickly glance at Jace who seems busy, still talking to his J A friends.

"Um well, we-we met at a hotel. Jace was quite popular and I couldn't help but um notice him, so yeah. After that we sort of just bonded." Well it wasn't exactly a lie.

We did meet at a hotel and he did seem to look very popular. The bonded part... Not so much true.

Colton nods his head, and takes a sip of his drink. Picking up my own I take a generous gulp trying to kill my sudden thirst.

The sharpness hits my throat quite hard and I begin to choke, spluttering and coughing I feel sudden pats on my back that help me swallow the drink. Tears have formed in my eyes from the uncomfortable sting of the drink. I feel bile rise up in my throat and jump out of my seat, looking around for a ladies room sign.

As soon as I spot the feminine stick figure I am off running, not caring about the very odd looks I am receiving from the judging public.

Running into a cubicle I puke my guts out and then slide down the floor until I am rolled into a ball. I slowly begin to rock myself trying to make the uneasy taste of sick go away.

Hearing a soft knock on the door I finally make myself get up. Rinsing out my mouth and splashing my face I turn to my reflection.Looking at myself in the full body mirror I frown at the person looking back at me. She has red eyes from throwing out everything she had eaten in the last 2 days.

Another knock on the door.

Splashing and drying my face once more I turn to the door and unlock it. Only to come face to face with a concerned Colton.

"You okay?" He asks analysing me.

Looking down away from his beautiful dark green eyes I shuffle in my high heels.

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