Chapter 7

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This time we didn't go to the hotel and to be honest I was quite disappointed since I did miss that heavenly fridge.

But as soon as we pulled into a private road all my worries went flying out the car window as well as with my purse I was holding.

Glancing at me, Jace shook his head.

"That was designer you know, girls would kill to have that and you just through it out my window."

"If you like it so much why don't you have it?" Groaning in frustration he turned his head away from me, and finally came to a stop in front of a massive gate.

I glanced up as soon as the man on the speaker had allowed us in. I wasn't too surprised when it was exactly as I had predicted. But I couldn't hold in that small involuntary gasp that made its way out of my mouth.

Not because of the beauty of the palace in front of me but for the disbelief that this was actually happening and talking place, to not just anyone, but me!

Looking over at Jace I see a signature smirk plastered into his face.

"What are you so happy about?" His smirk only grows wider.

"First you fall in love with my car and now my house. What's next, me?" He barks out while laughing at my horrified face.

"You listen right here Mr. Jace Howards, I am not in love with your hell of a big mansion and I am certainly not in love with you, and nor will I ever be!" He only chuckles.

After a short break he replies,

"You forgot to deny about loving my car."

"Can't really deny something that's true now can I?" I say opening the door and walking out of the car. After finally realising that the car had been stopped for a while now.

Smirking he also gets out of the car, slamming the door.

I Cringe at how the beautiful car shook with the force, slowly walking towards the mansion i glance at it with awe at how such an ugly person could keep such a big house looking so maintained and beautiful.

"Wait until you see the garden," Jace says, as his steps now move in time with mine.

Spending the happy half of my childhood on a farm i was extremely happy when he mentioned a garden. Mother used to be a brilliant gardener, she'd grow every single flower known in the village in our backyard and then every Sunday morning she's walk down to the town market and sell them there, earning her enough money to buy the daily milk we consumed.

Now, i can't even remember the last time i had a glass of milk.

Realising i had zoned out a bit, Jace had quickened his pace and had reached the front door, now he stood there impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for me.

Walking a bit faster, I manage to get there in time before he completely looses all sense of patience and shuts the door on me.

"Bertha! I am home!" Jace suddenly yells to the empty house, apparently called Bertha.

Well hello there Bertha, it's nice to meet you, unfortunately you will have to put up with me for six whole months I feel very sorry for you.

My thoughts are put on hold when some footsteps make me think otherwise.

An old lady looking in her mid fifties emerges out of one of the many corners of the house.

"Oh," her shoulders sag in disappointment, and my heart goes out to the women just by glancing at her distraught face.

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