Chapter 4

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Shoving the bag containing the dress into a kitchen cabinet as I walk past the counter I see Skylar shuffling out from her spot and looking at me quizzically.

"Who was it Brook?" She shuffles forward and pulls at my hoodie as she waits for my answer.

"No one important honey, be a good little girl and lay the table for me." Seeing her shocked eyes gives away her longing to ask me why so I give in and reply to her un voiced question.

"A friend of mine dropped off some food for us, now you can't tell mummy okay Sky? Or we might never be able to get it again." She nods repetitively and walks over to the small, probably broken, dining table that we usually hide under. She places a plastic fork and knife as I begin to unload food.

Making the most of something that might never happen again I begin to sing at the top of my voice

"Food Glorious Food..." Skylar joins in with my attempt at singing at we begin parading around our flat singing our lungs out until the door flies open and there standing in the middle is an extremely furious women, and that furious women just happens to be a mother.

My mother.

Skylar slowly moves closer to me as I wrap my arms around her.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Mum yells, managing to whisper while yelling and also look so intimidating Sky had shut her eyes and start clinging onto me like their was no tomorrow.

Living in these conditions meant strict rules. And mother expected us to live our lives while reviewing the page of do's and don'ts she had somehow managed to glue into our brains.

"We where just having a bit of fun mother." I reply as I shake slightly in fear against Skylar. She shuts the door, one of her major rules, and begins to walk nearer towards the sofa.

"FUN! You call getting kidnapped, raped, murdered or sold FUN?!" Slowly her voice begins to rise as she counts each option off her fingers for emphasis.

"Oh my goodness!" She cries as she notices the half open bag of food lying on the table

"What did you do Brooklyn! I told you! WE CAN LIVE WITH OUT STEALING! I CAN DO IT! I WORK SO HARD TO PROVIDE FOR YOU! I PROMISED HIM! I PROMISED HIM I would look after you,"mothers small body falls to the sofa as her body shakes with racks of sobs. Skylar also begins to let her tears loose and rushes to her side. Mother scoops her up and sobs into her shoulder. Trying my best to keep it together I slowly advance towards the sofa gently sitting down soon I also am pulled into a hug.

"I'm so sorry girls." She whispers bringing us closer to her. I shake my head not wanting to ever see my mother upset I look into her soft grey eyes.

"No mother, please, don't be sorry." I say as a tear roles down my face, instantly her thumb is there to wipe it away. We smile at each other for a while until she says, kicking of her shoes and shrugging off her old jacket and wiping away her tears.

"Now how about you tell me the story?"


After making up some long winded tale about this man I met on the street who fell over and I helped him up and carried all his shopping to his home he gave me £20 as a thank you. Even if I say so myself I was extremely proud of my cover story until Sky blew it by asking me where the man lived and I couldn't think of something fast enough and hastily replied with Uppernotch. My stupidity got the better of me I think. Obviously I would never even set foot in Uppernotch, sounds like area full of posh everybody's when in fact its the polar opposite, its full of down graded, drug dealing nobody's, its even worse then the place we're at right now. And trust me it couldn't get much worse then this place. And also nobody in Uppernotch has five pounds let alone twenty, and if they did never would they give it away to some Luny who helped them up on the street.

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