Chapter 8

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Cook him dinner?

‘Cook you dinner?’ When i don’t receive a reply, I run out of my luxurious room and run straight into a very cocky Jace.

‘You have to listen to everything I say remember,’ slumping my shoulders in defeat I take heavy steps towards where I think the stairs were located. Realising that Jace is not following me and is not about to tell me that he was joking I quicken my steps. After wondering around for about five minutes I finally realise that the stairs must be in the complete opposite direction of where I am, and have been located for the last 10 minutes. As I pass Jace’s room I send him a look of disgust, by scrunching up my nose and glaring at him in the dirtiest way I could manage.

‘Oh, the stairs are that way Lyn’ he snickers and points in the way I am now headed. Choosing to be the mature adult I settle for sending him another glare and stomp towards the right direction of the stairs.

On my way down the stairs I cross paths with Bertha,

‘Hello dear, where are you headed off to?’ she asks giving me a smile, returning her smile I reply

‘Jace wants me to cook him dinner.’ Bertha chuckles before talking my hand and swivelling around... on the step, I hold my breath as a flash of her falling down the stairs crosses my mind, but surprisingly she does a prefect spin and sends me another smile.

Leading me to the kitchen she hands me a few pots and pans and a big packet of pasta.

‘Here, Jace loves pasta, if you need any help I’ll be upstairs 2nd door to the left of the stairs,’ She also takes out a jar of tomato sauce and hands that to be before heading out of the humongous kitchen.

Dropping the ingredients on the nearest shelf I take a moment to admire the kitchen. I had always wanted to be able to turn our run down kitchen back in the flat into a modernised, much smaller version of this very one I was standing in at the moment.

I had always loved to cook but after we had to move out of our farm house I had never got a chance to. I used to love watching my mum cook things and even fetch things from the cupboards and fridge had been the highlight of my evenings.

Shaking my head to get rid of the invading memories I grabbed the pot, poured some water into it and began fiddling with the cooker to try and turn the hob on.


I smile proudly at the 3 dishes of pasta on the tray as I wobble up the stairs trying my best to not even think about dropping them. I leave one in Bertha’s room since she seems to be in the toilet and then make my way towards Jace’s room.

Carefully balancing the tray on one hand I knock with the other just in case I walk in on him doing something inappropriate or confidential

“Come in,”  As I walk in I take my proper look at Jace’s room, its bigger then the kitchen and my room put together and he isn’t even using half of it! I could make an apartment out of the space he isn’t even using.

“If you’re done admiring my room I would rather like to have my dinner now?” I fakely smile at him and hand him the plate of pasta, I turn around to leave and go enjoy my own plate of food when he annoyingly speaks again

“Eat...” turning around confused I find a fork full of pasta right in front of my mouth.

“No its fine I made some for me as well,” he shakes his head and pushes the fork further towards my mouth

“No, I’m making sure you haven’t poisoned my food, I don’t care if you have or haven’t made any food for yourself.” Scowling I decide to obey and take the fork in my mouth and try and get as much saliva on it as possible and for a final effect I also spit on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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