Chapter 2

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"W-what?" I whisper horror struck.

"What are you doing here?" He says, his deep voice rumbling in confusion and a hint of anger.


"Yes you are! You're not supposed to be in here!" He says, anger consuming his face. He takes a step forward and I cringe back in fear.

"No! I mean Yes! I am supposed to be in here! I am just... Just..." I look around trying to find a reason to be in here.

"I'm just doing the laundry!" I say rather too quickly as soon as my eyes land on a washing machine.

"No your not! They would of given you their keys if you were and you wouldn't of been using a hair pin!" His eyes narrow accusingly.

My shoulders sag in defeat.

That's it. I'm going to jail. Goodbye world. Goodbye mum. Goodbye Skylar. I hold in a sob as I think of letting down Sky.

"ahhaha its okay, your new aren't you? Its fine if you forget to ask for they key, they won't be too mad!" He smiles at me reassuringly.

I thank God as a spark is ignited inside me, I nod also smiling shakily at him.

"I'm joking." His voice returns to cold, hard and accusing.

"I knew Simone and YOU... Are not her. You've been caught in the act of thieving, I hope you are prepared to face the consequences." He smiles evily at me before walking over to me and crouching to wear I lie shaking on the floor.

"P-please... I'll do anything!" I whisper as the urge to cry fullfills me.

"Anything huh?" He whispers also.

"Y-yes?" I say unsure of my wording now.

He grabs me by the upper arm as he gets to his feet, pulling me up with him, I whimper slightly at the pressure on my arm, he hears it and loosens his grip on me slightly. I take this as a chance, to rug out of his grip and begin running towards a far but near enough exit sign, I haven't got much further when a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. He chuckles as I go limp, sighing.

"Are you going to arrest me?" I say boldly looking up at him, big mistake as I am captured in a heated gaze, I instantly look down again.

"No. I am going to trust that you will not try to be foolish and escape or the consequences will be increased." I nod and wriggle around a bit as his iron grip is making me extremely uncomfortable.

He let's go and takes my hand in his, doing so while also shutting the door with all the Gooseberry luggage in.

"I'll send someone to get those later." He whispers to himself, looking at me and then shaking his head, with amusement? No can't be! Probably anger or disappointment. Why would he be disappointed though? I hardly know the man!

"Where are you taking me?" I say as he pulls me towards the main part of the hotel. He says nothing but smiles at the women at the counter that I met only a few 10 minutes ago, surprisingly she smiles back but then notices me and glares.

"Simone! What are you doing! Go do your job! Leave Mr. Howards alone!" He nods his head at her, his smile not once wavering.

"Don't worry Lucia, she is with me." I quietly gasp in shock. Why didn't he say anything about me in the store room? Well. I'm not complaining! As long as he isn't planning anything.

As we continue walking he strikes up conversation with several staff members and I begin to wonder how he knows them all! And how does everyone know him and seem to respect him in a way? But I suddenly remember how he though the store room was the toilet! If he knows everyone here how did he not know the way to the toilet? To know quite a lot of people and not know their way around some place is a bit odd.

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