Chapter 1

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Your POV

I was a meta-human, unknown to all. With Harrison Wells missing, I had no one to go to. Suddenly a portal opened and Zoom came out. I left fire engulf my fists, about to shoot the fire at him, he spoke. "You will watch over the Earth one foes". He never gave me a chance to answer, carrying me and running to the portal. I opened my eyes, Zoom gone. I was outside STAR labs and I readied my fire. I walked in, surprised that lights were on already. I distinguished my flames and walk to the elevator. "This is not the Star labs I know", I say looking at a not-so-well-hidden camera. The elevator dinged and I exited the moving box. I saw a group of people already waiting, including a man in a scarlet suit, for me. I knew all their names, since I worked in the CCPD, before all this chaos. "Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen, and the all famous, Harrison Wells, nice to see you again Barry", I say smiling at the group. "Who are you", Harrison says, frowning at me. "Y/n L/n, from another earth, since I know that Allen doesn't have a scarlet suit", I say looking at his suit. "Im the Flash, I suppose you don't have a "Flash" on earth two", he says and I shake my head. "Caitlin, check if she's a meta", Barry says, but Harrison shakes his head. "No need", Harrison says opening his watch, the watch blaring. ''A meta, let me guess a fire user, '' He says, pointing at the bottom of my a-little-burnt shirt. ''Yeah so what," I said, crossing my arms. ''We can help you, if u want", Barry says, taking off his mask. ''Okay,'' I say following Barry inside the lab.

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