Horror Movie
"She feels hopeless
Her mind telling her things she doesn't want to hear
She tries
She tries so damn hard
Trying takes so much energy
She wishes she could do the things she wanted to do
She wishes she didn't feel as if everything about her was falling apart
They tell her that she can do it
That she is worth it
But everything in the world appears just as a nightmare to her
The endless horror
Scene after scene
It keeps playing
Her only escape is her daydreams
Sometimes she wishes she stopped watching the movie earlier
She didn't want the jump scares
She didn't want her heart to drop to her stomach every time something is brought up
She didn't want to cry because of fear
She didn't want to sleep at night
She didn't want it
She didn't want this
She wanted it to stop
All of it
She wanted the movie to just end.
Halfway through
Don't finish it.
Don't turn the lights in the room back on.
Leave them off.
And let it stay like that."-a.k.a
Beautiful Lies and Silent Truths
PoesieI like to write poems sometimes; some don't rhyme at all. Just like my stories, they are just random ideas that come to mind. I've been into slam poetry lately, so these may sound a lot like a slam poem instead.