Little bit of... falling

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I was unpacking with the guys and Aphmau but a little incident had happened between me and Aaron. ;-;


"Hey Aaron can you help me real quickly!" I yelled/asked. "Yeah Y/n I'll be right there in a minute let me come up stairs real quickly!" Aaron yelled/said.

I started to walk towards the door right as Aaron was. An once I opened the it felt like anime came to life at that very moment. Like I was Lucy and Aaron was Natsu from FairytTail, like that episode when Lucy was captured and she had to fall from the building cause she new Natsu was there to save her. And I was saved by the best person in the world!

But this is the real world so who am I kidding! I fell on top of Aaron. It was the most softest and muscular landing I had ever felt.

"Y/n are you ok? You're not hurt are you?!" Aaron said in a urge to know. "I am fine Aaron. It's just *mumbles* I just wish this would last forever." I said. "What was that?" Aaron asked. "Nothing." I said. Then Aaron held me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. All I did was wrap my h/c and t/t/c tail around Aaron.

We sat like that for minutes, but those minutes felt like hours, days, weeks, months, years. But it was only a few minutes. Nothing more. We got up and continued to work looking at each other as we continued to get my boxes and put them in there proper rooms.

P/n was still in my soon to be bedroom. But as we got my bed in there I ended up moving her to the living room so she can lie down on the couch.

*End of Flashback and Timeskip*

After what felt like forever we finally got done. "Hey guys I have a idea! Why don't I take all of you out for helping me! You guys can invite all your friends!" I said. "Sorry Y/n but we probably shouldn't except I mean it wouldn't be right!" Aphmau said. "I'll take you guys to Olive Garden! And Aphmau I am the great wolf singer Os/n, so I wouldn't mined!" I said. "OLIVE GARDEN I'M UP!!!" Aphmau yelled like a kid in the toy isle.

"Anyone else up?" I said with a smirk on my face. And all the guys started to fanboy once they got the gist that I was Os/n. So everyone went home and Aphmau went to get her other friends. I started to get ready. I got dressed into:

That was my outfit! (You can change the color of your hair to your fave color! Sorry but next outfit I'll let you pick colors! And that is temporary die if your hair is like the purple up in the picture or blue, pink, green, etc!) I think I looked...

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That was my outfit! (You can change the color of your hair to your fave color! Sorry but next outfit I'll let you pick colors! And that is temporary die if your hair is like the purple up in the picture or blue, pink, green, etc!) I think I looked cute! But it took me 15 minutes to get ready! Wow a new record! I hear the door bell ring. "Coming!" I yell. I open the door to see one of my friends from PDH (Phoenix Drop High.) "EIN!!" I yell as I jump on him to give him a hug. (OK so if you don't know who Ein is he is the werewolf from Aph's new PDH series so go catch up! I think that series is great!!) "Hey Y/n! It's so great to see you! How have you been?" Ein asked me."I have been great! Ain't you proud of me that I became a singer! And the first wolf one too!" I asked. "I am! And what do you need me for? Cause you texted me asking you to come really quickly so I ran fast all the way over here!" Ein said. "Actually I did need you! Me and some of my other friends are going to Olive Garden so do you have your spare nice clothes?! Cause your coming with me!" I said. "You know it Y/n!" He said. "Then take your clothes and take a shower than change into your clothes!" I said. "Yes mam!" He said while saluting. 

I was thinking about taking P/n with me. I can't leave her here so might as well take her with me. It's fine though. Then I heard the bell ring again. "Coming!" I said. I open the door to see every one from earlier and a girl with blue hair, a girl with orange hair, and a guy with black hair and a mask over his mouth. "Hey! The girl with blue hair is Katelyn, the girl with orange hair is Lucinda, the guy with the black hair and mask is Zane!" Aph said. "Ok were just for my friend he is getting ready. And my husky P/n is coming with us!" I said. Right as I said P/n she came running out looking and acting all better. Then Ein comes out in his nice clothes and his hair done. 

"Aphmau?" Ein said in curiosity. "Ein?" Aph said. They had the most shocked faces. And all they did was walk up to each other and hug. "Ok guys I don't mean to ruin this ... uh moment. But I have reservations for *cough cough* OLIVE GARDEN!"I said. I got P/n leash and we got in my Audi R8 2017 model (we as in you P/n and Ein).  And we drove off.

To be continued...

Ok so I m liking the way this book is turning out a lot!!! More chapter coming soon!!


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