The concert

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It was 2 in the after noon and I was getting ready to leave by 3, cause of all the damn preparation! I had put on a f/c shirt and s/f/c pants and put my hair in a ponytail (if your hair is short then just leave it be).
I had grabbed my concert outfit and beige hoodie. It was snowing outside and I have taken P/n over to Blazes house. Blaze was another one of my friends from high school. (Blaze is the red headed wolf from PDH 2nd season)
I had walked outside with Aaron, cause for some reason he was still at my house. We got into my car and drove to the concert location. It was in the park that all the kids PDH went to after school. But it looked like they just "expanded" the park.
"Look Aaron doesn't it look pretty!" "Yeah it's beautiful!" He says. We both walked over to the unlit Christmas tree. "Looks like there going to plug the cables at midnight!" "You know, I never been to one of these when I was young, or with a girl..." Aaron said.
I had put my arms around his neck while standing on my tippy toes. Aaron got flustered with how close our faces were, then my tail started to wag. "Why are you so flustered Aaron~? Am I to HOT for you to handle~?" I asked. "N-no it's just, y-your such a p-pretty girl and a performer for werewolves so it's kind of a big deal for our-" "Wait our? I thought I was the only werewolf out of the two of us?" I said a little flustered now. "Well uh... you see... no you know what I'll tell you later!" Aaron said waving one hand in front of him and another rubbing his neck. "Ok... but your acting strange, just smile and then tell me later! Ok?" "Ok fine..." he said nervously.
I started to walk to where I am supposed to go. "Hey Becky!" I said as I walk up to five her a hug. "Hey Y/n are you ready for your show?" "Well yeah I'm ready!" I almost shouted. "Ok good now the show starts at 5:30. And you will do a Q and A with your fans at 11:00. At 5:30 you will begin the song you had made and we will continue on with our night. Then once the count down to Christmas begins we will light the tree and then everyone will go home after you sing 1 Christmas song. So go change and then the show will begin soon!" She explained. "Ok I'm going to go change! Call me when I have to be on stage!" "Ok!"
I walked over to a mini booth that had a star and it said Y/n L/n on it. Well that's cool... not like I had one of these before though...
I got dressed into what I was going to where and stayed to do hair and a little makeup.
*timeskip cause I don't know what to put!*

Becky had called me and there was a big crowd in front of the stage. Well who really cares as long as I'm myself? Right?
I walked through the curtain behind the stage.
"Hey everyone!" They started to fangirl/ scream. "How is everyone doing tonight!?" And they continued to fangirl/scream. "Ok so the song I'm singing is called Oath and it has a rap part to it but I can handle it! So why don't we get this show started!" I put my finger in the air like they do in FairyTail to represent myself. And the crowd continued to scream and fangirl and fanboy.
Play song....... NOW!
I started to sing my song only to here a lot of screaming. I got so excited cause all the people that were here! My tail was wagging from all my happiness. All of my fans and I are just one big family. And my only family at that... but that's nothing to get sad over! I made new friends, I have a big family that supports me either way, and I have a guy that I truly love!
I don't want my life to be any other way! Well I hope it's no other way...
It was 5 minutes to 11:00 and I was finishing up the actual concert.
"OK EVERYONE! We will do a Q and A! And I will pick randomly so I am so sorry for anyone who doesn't get chosen! And if you have a VIP pass I recommend you wait till you go back stage to wake cause there are people who don't have backstage passes and would like questions! So just a recommendation! Now let's do the blond girl with the green eyes in my white hoodie! And shameless plug! You can always go on my website and buy my merch!
Now darling what's your name and question? But you have to speak loudly!"
"I'm Lily! And do you have any pets that your fans don't know about?!"
"Actually I do her name is P/n and I found her behind my house one day and took her in! Now whose next!?" I said looking through the crowd and saw a guy with salmon hair and onyx black eyes. He looks like Natsu from FairyTail! Wait, come to think of it my ex looked like Gray from FairyTail!
"Do you have a boyfriend that NONE of your fans know about?!"
"Well I so have a person that I like but! You all aren't knowing so haha! And what's your name?"
"O-oh it's u-um, the name is Shima!"
Hmm... using a name from Blue Exorcist I see...
"Ok "Shima" I would like you to meet me back stage when the concert is over!" He stood there knowing I was on to him. My fans should know better than to play a trick on me! They should know that I'm observant!
"O-ok..." The entire croud had gasped, I hope no other anime characters are in our world,

The song I make  (Aaron x reader)Where stories live. Discover now