The auditions!

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~the next day~

It's the next day and Katelyn asked if I could got to the local theater to help her with her play! I mean..... it would be nice to know what the play is!!! Maybe I could audition?

~after you get ready and leave with the FairyTail gang to go to the local theater~

We finally made it and we walked to the theater Katelyn told us to go to. Everyone was waiting in there auditioning for the other rolls of what looked to be Romeo and Juliet.

I walked over to Katelyn and watched as Garroth was auditioning for Romeo along with Laurence.
"You boys done goofing off?"
"W-what???!" Garroth yelled dramatically as I giggled a little. Everyone is off the stage and I walk on.
"So Katelyn why did you ask me to come here?"

"Well... I was hoping you would play the part of Juliet in the play! If you don't mind!" She says with a smile.
"Sure! I would love to!" All the boys were listening and start to jump for joy behind the curtain. I could hear them since I am a werewolf so I thought it was a little cute but blushed a little at the fact that Aaron could be back there doing the same thing!

Eventually I got into the Juliet outfit and went onto the stage thing that she stands on in the story. Garroth came out first. And since Katelyn wanted this to be a modern day play Garrroth just HAD to get his phone out and started to text me.
G: Garroth
Y: you

Y:Sup Romeo why you texting on your phone? I thought this was a play cant you say I guess I was wrong...
G: sorry Juliet but I can't quite fret that your up in a tower with no one to hold. If your father was nice then let's be hold. I'll hug you and kiss you and eventually call you mine!
Y: sorry Romeo but I'll have to say good night! Your acting is bad! Even through text! So get off the stage and let's see who's next!

I smirked and waved him off with a sorry look. But I gave him a rose for trying and at least being creative!! Up next was Laurence. He just pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something. Then he through it at me... it landed in my hair...;-;
I grabbed it with a little bit of anger. Once I read I knew that this would be fun...!

Laurence: what up! I wrote this letter just for you! I saw what you did with that blonde and I thought who! So I decided to be a little less modern and go this route cause it's a little less I guess electronic?
I knew what to write and I wrote it down.
You: sorry Romeo but you just don't cut it! You write to slow I think my dad will catch before you leave the fence! Why don't you try hooking up with the potato? Cause you see... I'm a Wild beast who needs a little tamer. But sadly you don't make it! So I'm gonna have to cut you off! But here's a little rose now it's time for you go off!
I put a rose in the paper and folded it as I tossed it down. He grabbed it and had a sad yet determined look. I admired it. And he walked off the stage.
Next up was Dante but who really cares? He kinda did the same thing that Garroth could apair (not a word but it rhymes!!!) so he just went on his way and had a nice day.
The last was Aaron, my very existence. He was dreamy and cute oh how I wish he was mine... but I know Aph already has him around her little stubby finger...
He walked out and he smiles softly at me with a soft blush in his cheeks.

"Oh Juliet... how I wish I could feel your soft hair in my hands and be with you forever.... but we both know I can't... for your father does not care for our love... and will never see it..." he said as he looked down sadly.
I hopped down and hugged him.
"Oh Romeo I don't care what my father says...! I will always love you too...!"

A crowd started to form as they saw me and Aaron. I guess Aaron must be popular here? What ever it is I don't really care!

Katelyn saw the crowd and jumped up screaming about how we would make the perfect Romeo and Juliet! She said something about how she could see the "chemistry" between us! Which I guess is important?

"So Katelyn... did Aaron get the part?????"
Katelyn smiled brightly and shook her head yes. I smiled back and hugged Aaron. All for me to whisper into his ear something...
"Congrats... I was hoping you would get the part..."
"I did too... I honestly really wanted to do this one with you...~"

I blushed softly and let go of him. I could see the guys are jelly behind the curtain. I gave a little giggle and walked over to hug them all. They all hugged back and I let go to walk to my changing room so I can go back into regular clothes. I walked out and walked towards Katelyn.

"So Katelyn... what now?"

"Well? I'm not sure? Maybe we can all go get something to eat?" She asked.
"Sure!! But what are we gonna get?"
"Maybe McDonald's?"
"Sure! Let's get going!!"

We both walked to McDonalds and once we got there she ordered a Big Mac and I just got a ice cream :3. We both sat and waited for our orders for what seemed like forever! But finally they came out! We both chowed down and finished in a few seconds! Being a werewolf does have its perks with eating! But once you choke you kinda wanna loose that habit.....

I thanked Katelyn and started to walk home. Today was great! Maybe I'll start looking around the area for homes for team Natsu? Hmmmmm. That doesn't sound bad? Maybe?

*Time skip to when you make it to the neighbor hood!!*

I made it to the neighborhood and started to walk down all the streets. I saw a house that was a couple houses down from mine and it looked pretty big! I saw the sign that had all the info on it.
It said:
Two story home with 2 1/2 bathrooms.
1 big kitchen.
A living space with enough for 5
6 bedrooms.
And 2 decent sized closets.

I copied down the number and walked home excited to tell them what I found! Even though I may have to pay for it which is no problem! Even though it is weird how they still came to our world though...

I made it to my house and walked in only to be tackled to the ground and given a slobbery kiss by P/n. She must have not eaten! I picked her up and walked to her food bowl. I gathered some food in a cup and poured it into her bowl. 

Is it just me or is she getting bigger? Eh... who cares? Huskies are supposed to get pretty big...
Violet walked up and rubbed herself against me. It felt nice but I think she's hungry too... I got her her food and put it on a plate for her to eat. They both ate and payed on the couch together. I guess there like me and Erza? Like sisters from another mister? Hmmm? I guess! I heard the door open and the anime characters walked in and flopped on the ground except for Erza and Gray. Erza walked over and hugged me. I was confused but hugged back anyways. I had a soft smile on my face. This was unexpected but it's nice to feel love from a person you don't see everyday!

"Hey Erza! Whatcha doing?"
"Hugging you of course! You are like a little sister to me! Except... your the fluffy version a human that is!" She says as she starts to let my ears and I rub my ears against her. She let go and I walked over to the kitchen and got a bowl of strawberries. I just started eating them... they... were... so... GOOD!!!!! After I was down I walked to me and Erza's room and fell asleep on the bed. Then the pets came and layed on top of me and we all fell asleep.


Sooooo! Here's your chapter!! Sorry though!!! I started school a few weeks ago and honestly thought of giving up on this book! But I got ideas and decided to put them down! =3333
But!!!! I have a question! Well...? Two actually! Okay!

1. Would you guys like to see a Anime or another Aaron X reader?

Like... a sequel to this when we get to it? Or end this one and then start another but it's a anime one! I really want to do a Natsu X reader!!! But it's all up to you guys!!:333

2. Who started school and who's still on vacation? I'm in school :( as I said... but it's okey!!:3 hmmmmm

Anything else Happy?
Happy: no? Maybe a fish?
Me: no
Happy: WHYYY!????? At least Natsu gives me fish!
Me: well I'm not Natsu! But... since there's nothing else!! I'll see you bros later!!

~Author- Chan has left the Chatroom~

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