Job hunting

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We all headed to the mall so they could get jobs. They being Natsu and Gray. Cause Wendy can't work yet and Erza and Lucy can work at the maid cafe. Unless! The guys are also willing to work there!

"Natsu! Gray! I think you guys can work at the maid cafe! It would be so much easier! Since she excepts male maids!" I said.
"Well I mean sure it doesn't hurt to try does it?" Gray said. "Yeah let's go!" Natsu said.

*time skip to the cafe*

"Hey! Aphmau! I need to talk to you!" I yelled. Good thing she's closed at the at the moment!
Aph: "oh! Hey everyone! Did you need something?"
You!: "well... we were wondering if you needed two male maids? Cause trust me on this they will never get a real job!"  I said as I pointed over to Gray and Natsu. 

Gray: "YEAH! I mean we do fight a lot you have to admit Natsu..."
Natsu: "yeah..."

Natsu and Gray: "yeah we'll take it!"
Aphmau: "great! Now I'll give you your uniform! And you will start next week! Same for Lucy and Erza!"
FairyTail: "AYE SIR!"

You: "come on guys let's go! I have to take you guys home to change!" 

Ok. So I'm throwing a pool party cause why not! I mean it will be great for Team Natsu to know everyone in the neighborhood! Cause if I'm not here and they're all alone they need someone to go to! But this should be fun! I get to where my f/c and s/f/c! I mean it's not as revealing as what Erza would wear but it's quite close!

Time skip to da pool party! Brought to you by Aaron's abs!

I was finishing making the food for the party as I had Erza and Lucy tell everyone that I was having a party! I had also got the hot tub ready! And everyone should be coming in a minute!

You: "Guys! Wendy! Are you done changing!?"

The three of them: "YEAH!"

You: "oh! And Natsu! Don't eat all the food!"


Hehe! That's my job! I heard the door bell ring and ran to it and saw Aaron, Aphmau and her friends.

You: "I see you all came in one big group! Well there's food on the counter! And the hot tub is on if anyone wants to go in there! All bathrooms are available to change! Erza don't grope anyone! And that's about it! Go ahead and have fun!"

My tail started to wag and someone pulled it. I turned around to see Natsu and Erza pulling on my tail and ears.

Natsu and Erza: "are these real?"

You: "yeah! I mean I was born with them! But I guess you've never seen a human with these kinds of features! Oh! And don't pull anyone else's! That's rude here!"

They both shook their heads and walked away. I then felt a pair of arms around my waist.

You: "hey Aaron!~"
Aaron: "hey!~ I see you decided to wear a bikini in front of me!"
You: "what! Pshhh! Noooo! Can I get a hug though?~".
Aaron had hugged me and all I did was press my boobs against his chest and he started to blush. Hehe! He's adorable! Wait...

You: "Aaron remember how you said our people and your not a werewolf?"
Aaron: "y-yeah... why?"
You: "well I wanted to know by our? I mean your not a werewolf right?"

Aaron had dragged me to my room and closed the door and checked the bathroom to make sure no ones in there.

Aaron: "ok... so you know about the legend of the Ultima werewolf?"
I nod my head.
Aaron: "I am a Ultima wolf... I just have never seen my ears and tail..." 
You: "aww! You poor thing! But I still love you! Now let's go out! And don't worry! For now if you want! You can pet my ears and tail!"
Aaron blushed and hesitantly petted my tail. I started to blush cause having someone pet my tail felt... good...

We both walked outside to see Gray and Natsu being restrained from the food and the lady's in the hot tub. I had gotten on the diving board and did a front flip into the pool without making a splash! Then I swam around and got some food to eat. And after a little while I got in the hot tub with anyone who was in and we socialized! I'm glad every one got along! Especially team Natsu! I was worried...

Time skip!

Everyone was leaving and I was cleaning up with the help of Erza and Aaron. I mean I have to admit the was fun! But really I just feel like pulling a Gray and stripping down to my underwear. Hey! I may be a girl but that doesn't mean ANYTHING!
My tail started to wag anytime Aaron got close. I'm not sure if we're dating or not... it seems like we are cause we cuddle and kiss, hug, tease each other... I'm not sure! I would have to ask him! But then while they weren't looking I started to sing quietly and dance. It was the usual thing I did! I never got judged for it! And even when I was at the grocery store everyone thought it was normal. Well maybe Erza didn't when she turned around. I only knew cause I heard clapping.

Erza: "good job Y/n! I didn't know you could dance like that!"

She was clapping. Cause I did good. I looked at her and smiled.

You: "thanks Erza... you both can go inside I'll take the rest from here!"
Erza walked inside and looked for some cake while Aaron looked out the window so he could look at me and how hot I am!~

Time skip!~

I had finally gotten done and everyone was asleep in their rightful place sleeping except for Aaron who was watching FairyTail on my TV! I had plopped down next to him and cuddled into his chest.
You: "I love you..."
Aaron: "I love you too... Y/n..."

And that was the last thing we said before sleep had hit us in the head.
Good night Aaron... I love you...

Hehehehe! Finally got a chapter out! I'm so proud of myself when I do these things! And I just want to thank you all for 400+ reads! You guys are INSANE! And I just want to say I love you all so very much! Even though some hate has been put down and I just don't give two damns! Hate all you want! I won't care! But other than that I just wanted to say thank you! I promise ideas never run out in my head!
Good night/ morning! And have a great rest of your day/ night!

Author~ Chan Out!💜

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