The sleep over

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(Don't play song yet!)
(Y/n) pov
Ein and I walked over to Aph's house with our stuff for the sleep over. We also brought some snacks! I brought some Cheetos and Ein brought some steak flavored crackers?
(I made it up just put on your butter and roll with it!)
*Time skip to when everyone is here*

"Ok! Now that everyone is here why don't we play a game!" Aph said enthusiastically. "Ohhhh~ why don't we play truth or dare! Lucinda said. "Um sure is that cool guys!?" Aph asked, pumped to play truth or dare. "Yeah" "Sure" "Sounds fun" everyone said different things for agreeing. "Ok! Who wants to go first?" Aph asked. "Why don't I go first?" said Katlyn. "Ok!" Aph said with joy. "Hmm (Y/n) truth or dare?" Katlyn said with a smirk. "Dare cause if I can handle hordes of people then I can handle this!" I said cockily. (Hehehe!)   "I dare you to sit in... Aaron's lap!" She said. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to Aaron and sat in his lap. Hehehe! I giggled in my head. I started to blush. As I blushed I guess Aaron noticed.
Aaron's pov
She's blushing. Hmm. I wrapped my arms around her waist so she was comfortable. Once I did I started to blush. Next thing I know (Y/n) wrapped her tail around me. It was so soft like she just washed it. Hmm. I wonder what will happen today?
Aphmau's pov (see this one coming? Yeah? Ok I'll leave u alone now...)
Woah, woah, woah, woah. Aaron has his arm around (Y/n) waist. And (Y/n) has her tail around him. WOAH! I ship it! *Whispers to Kawaii~Chan* "look KC!" I whisper. She looks and I could tell she was fan girling in her head. I was too. She didn't have her phone so she couldn't take any pictures. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! KC CANT TAKE SHIPPING PHOTOS!!! Hehehehehe.
(Y/n) pov
I saw KC spazzing out. And Aphmau giggling. Strange. "Ok Aphmau. Truth or dare?" I asked.  "Um truth!" Aph said. "Ok is it true that you liked Ein in high school and if you did then do you still like him?" I asked. "Ohhhh~" everyone started to pur as Aph blushed. "I did. And I may still do..."  Aph said blushing and her voice really low. "Hehehe ok Aph I see how it is!" I said with a smirk.
"Ok (Y/n) since you wanna play dirty then let's play dirty!" Aph said with a smirk. "(Y/n) truth or dare!?" Aph asked with a devious smirk. "Dare and give me all you got!" I said smirking. "Ok. I dare you to sing in front of all of us. And since  your my guest then I'll let you pick the song! And by the way this is your way of being my performer at the maid cafe! So better make it good!" Aph said still smirking.
"Ok I'll sing photograph by Ed Sheeran.
(Play song now!)
I finished singing the song. Aaron was blushing and everyone was staring in awe while KC and Garroth, Laurence, and Travis were fangirling with their phones out.
"(Y/n) that was amazing!" Aphmau said with awe in her voice. "Yeah." Aaron said.
"(Y/n) you can work at the cafe if you want you know why? CAUSE YOU WERE FANTAILASTIC!!" Aph said.
(See what I did there? Hehehe)
"YAY!!" Aaron and I said in unison. Wait why did he say yay? "Well rather than sitting here why don't we play another game? How about we play 7 minutes of heaven!?" I asked.
"Yeah baby why don't we play tha-" Travis was about to finish his sentence when me and Katlyn elbowed Travis in the stomach. Hehehe.
"Yeah let's play!" KC and Aphmau said in unison as they had a big smirk on their faces. "Ok boys take a piece of paper right your name and then put it in a hat. And from there the girls will pick a name from the hat!" I said. All the boys had put their names on a piece of paper, put it in the hat, every one but Zane played. Damn it Zane, but at least there's enough of us to play! 
"Ok since (Y/n) was the last one with the dare and is our new neighbor than why don't we let her pick from the hat first!" Aph said with another devious smirk! "Come on (Y/n)!" "Y/n Y/n Y/n Y/n!" Everyone started chanting my name as I took a deep breath and went to the hat and grabbed a paper.

Aaron. Go figure.
"I got Aaron!" I chirped. Aaron started walking to the closet. Aph got her timer ready and turned some music up really loud. We both got in the closet.

Aaron started to get close to me once the door closed. Aaron had put his arms around my waist and I put my tail around his waist and arms around his neck.
"You know (Y/n) I really liked you ever since I layed eyes on you!" Aaron said. "Yeah even though we've known each other for like a day, I still like you too, like a lot!" I said. "Maybe we can..." Aaron said. "Hehe." I giggled. Aaron had kissed me and I kissed back. Next thing we know people *cough* KC and Aph *cough* had open the door and started to take pictures, but before they could try I had grabbed their phone, ran to Aph's room and checked their phones to make sure they took no photo's. I deleted the only photo they had of me and Aaron. Us hugging! (DUN DUN DUNNN N!!!!)
Then it was Travis and Katlyn, Aph and Ein, Kawaii~Chan and Garroth, and Laurence with Lucinda. (I'm sorry to all the Zane~Chan shippers it's just for the chapter! Sorry!!!)

*After 7 minutes of heaven! And everyone is watching a movie*
Me and Aaron were sitting next to each other while watching the movie, while everyone else was sitting together (partners from heaven(7)) except Kawaii~Chan and Zane were sitting together and Garroth was sitting with a body pillow of Mirajane from Fairytail. We all decided to watch The Purge: Election Year (now it might not be scary but roll with it!).
*Half way through the movie*
When I saw something pop up I had closed my eyes, and jumped onto Aaron while wrapping my tail around him. I could tell he was blushing cause he started to heat up.
*movie ends*
Everyone was so tired they fell asleep. No surprise.
*morning time! (The worst time)*
I woke up to see cameras in my face. "Twin shippers go sit your sorry ass down! Or I will...!" I couldn't finish because they already sat down. Good. Then I just passed out and went back to sleeping.
*9:00 am*
"Uhhhh" I groaned. "Everyone woke up either again or for the first time in the morning. But I started to pack my stuff so I could go home and get ready for the day. "Hey (Y/n) why don't we hang out today?" Aaron said packing his stuff. "Sure, how about the park at 11:00?" I asked. "Yeah that's perfect!" He said with joy.
I was at home (timeskip sorry) and I started to get ready and Ein took a shower got dressed and said his good byes to everyone. While I got ready I had ended up taking (P/n) for a 30 minute walk, giving her food, and grooming her while all getting myself ready! It was 10:30, so I decided to watch anime for a little while then take (P/n) to Aph's house while I'm with Aaron.
Well let's see how this goes!

To be continued...
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Keep reading! (Along with my other books!)
And tell me in the comments! What's your fave character from Mystreet so far? Mine is either Aaron (clearly) or Lucinda!
And remember to smile! Bye guys!👋

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