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I apologize throughly for my lazy ass and not actually updating or editing my stories like i keep saying I am going to. 

I apologize A lot I know. Im sorry about that. (har har) 

My work has been keeping me from my writing, I live two hours away from my job so I drive two hours to work 8 hours to come home to sleep for 4 hours to repeat the cycle yet again. 

life has been hectic and brutal and annoying so I am slacking a bit in the writing department, hopefully that will be changing soon but I cant garuntee it, i cant promise any updates anytime soon but I will try to get them out there and try to edit what I already have out when I can because I know they need some SERIOUS work... but I suck at editing so itll happen when itll happen and still probably suck. 

Unless I had help in the editing department... any volunteers? Yes? No? Maybe? Ill ask around.

Seriously though anyone who would be willing to help out would be a HUGE help to me. They would have my eternal love and grattitude. 

Farewell for now. I will try to do something besides this lame ass update today but if not... I apologize for slacking in favor of adventuing in Skyrim... deeply sorry... kinda.


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