Ch:3|Our Director

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Your POV

The next day, it went just as yesterday except I didn't saw director Kim. I was kinda sad but I've met him like just yesterday, maybe I'll see him soon. I thought so, to myself.

Next day**
"Did you saw him today?" Soojung asked as I was sitting on the couch; I was at Soojung's house.
Nope! I didn't saw him yesterday too! This sucks I tell ya. I said lying Down.

"Well I saw him going to the 3rd floor so, I thought you might have seen him. I guess not." She said.

I bet he is looking good! Ahh I wanna see him really bad. I miss him. I whined.
"Miso, you have met him like only one day and some minute and you are already acting like his girlfriend. Chill girl." Nara said.

Maybe he works on 3rd floor? I questioned myself.
Yes! That's it! I excitedly clapped my hands.

It's Friday today! And I didn't saw him in the mall at all! Maybe I'll saw him today. I calm myself down before going back to work from 10 minutes break.

The man in the black suit appeared from the side of hallway.
I immediately thought it was Director Kim; running up to him and calling his name.
"Director Kim" I shouted.
He looked back.
"Oh hey Y/N"
Thank god, it was Director Kim.
"Do you have anything to say?" He asked.

Ummmm ahahahahaha I gave a fake laugh.
Hello! I said.
"Well hello." He said. "So, isn't this your work time rn? Y/N, you should be working. Now go and clean! You know you hav--- "

I like you!





Yes, I know I sound stupid but, I think I like you! Do you wanna go on a date with me, like anytime whenever you are free?? I asked nervously.

"To be honest this is kinda unexpected. I did thought about you but I've never imagined it would go this way." He said.

I was kinda glad, he did thought about me!
So...? Do you wanna go out on a date? I asked him again. You know as in eating, watching movies, walking, talkin----
"I guess!" He replied.
Yes??? I asked him to make sure.
"Yes!" To know each other!" He finally said.
I was dead at that time!! Things were going so smooth like smoothie!

"So are you free tomorrow?" He asked.
Oh I am always free for you! I tell ya!! I replied quickly while laughing.
He let out a small laugh. "You sure you don't have work tomorrow right? " He asked me.
Yes I am off tomorrow I replied.

"Okey, I'll see you tomorrow. Go to work now!" He reminded me.
Oh yeah....I give him a big smile as I could; heading to another room to clean.
See ya tomorrow.... I waved at him.

Get ready for the date!

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