Ch:7|Whats happining??

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Y/N Pov
-what the....??
"Now what do you want?? Are you here to mock me like those guys? I'm not in a mood to fight rn, I tell ya!!" I sighed deeply.


"Excuse me??!"

"Do you who I am??"
Now how am I supposed to know him?? And why do rich kids alws start with that sentence?

"I don't know who you are and I am not interested!" I said as loudly as possible.

He smirked. In a way that annoyed the heck out of me!

"What the?? Is this girl crazy?"
"How dare she talk like that to a prince?"
"She's so rude!"

Oh hell yeah I could hear those words. They were saying that loud enough on purpose.

I just wanted to get off this attention so I just went out of this situation. Bumping all kinds of shoulders through my way.

I was out of everyones sight and reached at the corner, where there was less crowd, less noise and only a dim light enough to see where I am. A relief sigh went through my lungs.

As soon as I turned back..... I almost bummed into someone.
That smell~

"Do you wanna hang out? Here a drink on my behalf.." he said smirking handing me the drink.

It's him again.
"No thanks, I don't drink.."

"Well okey, but allow me to introduce you to myself, my name is Jimin. Park Jimin. And I am a pinc--"

"Oh hello?!m not interested."

"Humm... playing hard to get??" "That's cute"
Right! Cute~...and that's how they get girls.

"I am going now, bye" As soon as I tried to get off of him, he reached my wrist and made me stop.

He didn't pulled me nor did I turned back.
He was way stronger so I couldn't get my arms off him no matter how I tried. He was laughing for sure.

But soon enough, he pulled me and placed my back on the wall harshly...

Gosh why do I sense that he would say "you are the first woman to play hard to get??"

"You know you are the first women...
No, No... play hard to get??"
Ahh I knew it, I tell ya!

"Is what you wanted to hear?"
Never mind what I said earlier...

"I have seen lots of girl like you who does that on purpose to get my attention. Now m giving you my attention, don't you want it??"

What the heck??

He leaned closer to me.
I could hear his breath coming closer to mine. It was soft. We were on the same rhythm.

He was holding my both hands against the wall and I couldn't do anything. I could only turn my head to right. He was sooo close to me that if I turn my head, we would kiss. And I don't want that to happen. 

Surprisingly, his tight palm holding my wrist became loose as he was about to kiss me.

That's my chance!!!!

I quickly got off of him and tried to run away but once again he hold my wrist just like before.(wow the cringe)

This time he didn't pulled me, He was coming closer to me. Step by step. I was shivering, trying to pull my hands to where they belong. I was still turning my back to him, While he insisted on not letting my hand go.

His finger ran through my back, I was not feeling good. Sexual harassment was what I thought. I turned to slap him hard but he knew what exactly I would do so he was just ready, stopping me from getting a slap. I guess he got enough slap from girl to know what their next move is.

Once again with my back on the wall, he was holding my both hands with his one hand this time. He placed his other hand on my shoulder and tried to pull down my top.

"If you dare kiss me I won't leave you alone! I tell ya!!" I threatened him which was no use. So I closed my eyes tightly, wishing it's just a dream.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything bad to you. Just need to confirm something" he said with with assuring voice.

I stayed still. Hoping he didn't lie.
As he pulled down my top just to the shoulder, he made me turn around.
What's happening??
He then placed his hand right back on my collarbone.


H-how does this guy know my name??

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