Ch:8|Moving again?

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That guy called your name!! But how does he know that? You tried to remember weather you've ever mentioned your name but you could only remember telling your nickname to people.

That's odd, you thought.

"Did you also checked my background now??"you turned to him in disbelief.

"It's You isn't it?" Jimin still was in shock.

You were clueless when suddenly someone grabbed your wrist.

It was Taehyung and you sighed in relief.

Taehyung pulled you to him and you guys walked passed Jimin as he seemed lost still,until he realized you passed by him.

"Hey stop!!!" Jimin stopped you guys.

"Don't you dare touch my woman" Taehyung said gritting his teeth. You were touched by his comment. But Jimin was taken back.

"You guys are together?" Jimin asked looking at you.

"Yes, now if you excuse us..." you said holding hands with Tae and continued walking.

Jimin laughed in disbelief. It was the laugh when you find something annoying but people are staring you so you just laugh.
After that Jimin drank his vodka in just one shot. His eyes never living you until You faded.

"Miso, where were you?? I was so worried looking for you!" Tae asked nervously.

You gave him a smile..."I just wanted to dance and some random guys started to look down on me!!" Your smile turned to irritation. "And that one guy...." you stopped.
Tae raises his brows.
"I don't know he's just weird" you said sighing.
"Never leave me alone ever again, got it!?" Tae made it clear and you heard him.

You guys both were in bus now, Taes apartment was Just one road across you, so you could go to bus together everytime when you come back from your date or work when you guys end at same time.


It was next day and as usual you were ready to go to you work when you saw a lot... loads of car. The cars were luxurious. In this crappy place why would there be such a nice cars?? you thought.

A man came out of one car. He looked familiar.
Then you remembered him...
"T-that guy!!!!" You we're dump founded.
What is he doing here? You thought.
You quickly hid yourself from seeing him and went the other way. Luckily he didn't saw you, so you reached your work safely.

you finally finished your 8 hours work, just happy that you don't have to work tomorrow as you came out of the store.

You were surprised when you saw him.

"Tae??" You giggled.

He waved at you to come to him.
You ran fast to him and gave him a hug, but he didn't hugged you back. Instead his hand was in his back.
Of-course your hand is in Taes back so you traced down your hand to his.

He was holding something.
You frowned, a question in your face.

He than smiled and pulled his hand in front of you.
"A box?" You looked confused.

"Open it!" He commends as you nodded slightly.

When you opened the box you were so so so touched.

The heels that you wanted so bad. It was that sparkly heels. The exact same one.

"The new one just came out today, and I wanted to gift this to you." He said looking into your eyes.

You were looking him with awe, and you hugged him again.This time he hugged you back.

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