Ch:10|The Truth.

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Really very sorry for the very late update.
But I've decided that I will update only when m available or free. I will try to update as fast as possible tho!
Really sorry for those who waited ;(


As soon as I said I wanted to meet my dad, my own dad, they didn't looked pleased. At all.

"Sure" said the guy with silvered hair. Jimin.

"Son. What are you saying? That's dangerous!" Said the middle aged women, who called herself my mother.

"It's better to know the truth, let y/n see that man." That grandma said and everyone had no choice but to accept her words.

At police station

"DAD!!!!" I exclaimed as soon as I saw my dad in the cell, just sitting their on the floor.

"Miso!!!" He cried down.

"What are you doin-" dad got interrupted when he saw who was behind me.

"Dad! They are saying some weird stuff! That they are my family. And you used to the serve in their house. They- they are saying you kidnapped me!!!.. haha that's not true right dad?!? I am your daughter and they are just misunderstanding right?? Tell them the truth dad!!!" I said with a genuine worried shown on my face.

"You have nothing else but to say the truth!! How long are you gonna keep that to yourself?? Tell her the truth, or else the end won't be good for you!!" That guy jimin said as soon as I ended what I said.

"S-sorry daughter..." my dad said.

"What do u mean dad! For what??"

"For kidnapping you. For taking you from your family. For making you believe all this year that you are my daughter. For... for fooling you!" He  shouted.

I couldn't believe it! Did they pay him to say this? Probably right?!? He's just joking!

"Dad you don't need to be afraid of this people! It's okay I am here for you! Please dad say that you are lying!!!!!" I cried a bunch of tears.

"We didn't told him to say this! Don't you know that we are your family and not him? What did this devil do to you to make u believe he is your daughter??" A guy said. Yup he was Jimin!

"How dare yo-" I was cut mid sentence.

"I FOOLED YOU!! I was ordered to kill you BUT then I saw that you were just a child So, I couldn't kill you!
I ran far away!!! Every time you ask me why I was moving places to places? This is the reason! I was running! For the truth, making you believe that it's was for your mom!! Or I should say an imaginary mom!
I've never been married, let alone having a kid!"


I couldn't say anything! It all made sense to me and my dad- no he's not my dad! He kidnapped me from my family!
All this years... I was away from my family and I didn't even knew it?!?

I felt betrayed! Even tho he is not my dad, to be honest he made he feel like it. I have always dreamed of being a princess! B-but like this?! I could never imagine it!

I then came out of the cell and sat down The nearest chair outside.

I looked at them who was standing beside me.

"So you guys are my real mom" I pointed at the middle aged lady. Now that I looked closer, he seems very gentle and genuine. She smiled and nodded.
"my real dad" I pointed at the lady's husband. He just looked at me straight. And....... he didn't seemed gentle at all in fact he seemed annoyed? Whatever!

"My real grandma??" I then pointed at the older lady. She had a huge smile in her face!
"You are the descendant of Joseon Dynasty the eldest daughter of Bae family!"

"Umm Eldest? That means I have siblings?" I asked her.

"You have a younger sister. Since you both are girls, it might be easy to become friends with her!" The grandma clapped her hands gently and happily.

And then I looked right next to the grandma, where a guy was standing. Jimin or something.

"And You are my real brother?!?" I pointed at him!

Everyone laughed. What was the reason? I don't know!!!

I faked a smile.

"What so funny?" I asked them.

The grandma started to speak
"It's true that he's one of your real."

I frowned.

"But he's not your brother, but your real to be husband. Your fianće!!!",,",,!!"


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