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"Yes, that's her!"   One police man exclaimed rather excited.

They came running to where Taehyung and you were standing. As soon as they reached you they dragged you with them. Taehyung was ready to fight with police but there was so many holding him back, so he was helpless shouting at them.

"JUST LET GO OF ME!!!!" You saw Taehyung's face filled with worried and anger. You tried to get off your hands from the police but it was no use. Taehyung was slowly fading in front of your eyes. It was getting harder and harder to see him. You heard Taehyung shout your name for the last time, as you cried your lungs out and yelled his name "TAEHYUNG!" Until your eyes got covered, and you couldn't see anything. They hurriedly tied your hand too which was a surprise to you. Why would a police do that.?

"What are you guys doing to me!!" You asked breathing heaving from all the mess earlier.
"Sorry madam, you just won't stay still and we can't help but to do what order is given to us." You heard one man saying.

They put you in the car and drove off to you don't know where. Police station? Yeah of course. You were caught by police but why did you felt that you would go somewhere else? And what did the man meant when he talked about someone giving them order??
Your heart beat faster when you trough about it.
"I am not being kidnapped right? They are real police right?"

Soon you where once again dragged by as you believed police and went inside the residence.
There you were tied against a chair.

As soon as they were done tying you up in the chair, someone removed the cloth from your eyes.
The room was dim. Not so bright, not so dark.
A person was standing right in front of you and as you looked up it was him.

That guy you saw in the club, the one everyone called prince.
He surely told You his name but you got short term memory loss for names so you couldn't remember it.

"Y-you?" You managed to say.

He smirked, and soon he moved to side. To your surprise some people which seems to be like a family? Was standing in front of you too. Their eyes had hope and pain in them.
And one thing. You were not gonna lie that they are surely hella rich with those munificent dresses/suite, earrings and just their looks.
They looked Neat and powerful.

An old woman stepped forward, a small smile forming on her lips. She cupped your cheek with one hand, as her smile got bigger.

"Y/n?" She raised her brows hoping to get reply from you.

"What the? Who are you? Are you the one who put my dad in jail?? Why would you do this?" You started to yell out what you felt all these time.

She looked a little taken back but was surely not surprised. Your eyes moved to that guy, glaring at him.
"Or was it you who did this? And let me go!! My friends and dad are waiting for me! Let me go, untie me!" You yelled once again.

"GOD Mother!" A middle aged man with a beard called that old woman.
"She is not the one! She can't be! Look at her manners an-and... the way she is dressed." The man showed some disgust in his face looking at you.

"Bae Seok Hyun. Don't be like this. If Jimin said it, then it must be right. And he explained it to me why." The old woman calmed him as he rolled his eyes in disbelief.

Jimin...  now you knew his name.

"Excuse me can someone release me? You guys are all talking nonsense from the beginning and I don't understand it! I tell ya" You said with a heavy sigh.

"Y/n.." Now a middle aged woman came forward, trying to cup you cheeks when you moved you head to side avoiding her.
You don't know her! Heck. You don't know all of them! You were confused as hell.

"I am done whit all these shit!! I tell ya!" You yelled.

"See!! Mother?? Look how she talks." That middle aged man said pointing at you.
"Calm down Seok Hyun. She lived in different environment so of course she would get these attitude from those people." The old lady respond made the guy hang up with 'buts'

You could tell that Seok Hyun Ajjushi is not really happy seeing you.

"Attitude cuz of 'those' people?" Now that she blamed others cuz of you, you hated staying more. "Fuck! Untie me now!!" You yelled from frustration. It was going over the limit.
As soon as you said it, you regret it. They didn't seemed to be bad person.only the ladies for now.
From side you could see Jimin eyeing on you with 'did you just said fuck?' Look, and that Ajjushi with disbelief look, pointing at you but couldn't say a word.

"Not until you learn your manners, your respect for us, your family"

"W-what?? Family?" You repeated the old lady's last word.

As soon as you questioned her. She nods with joy. "Yes dear y/n, I-I am your Grandmother!" She replied as if she's been waiting for this time. Then she calmed down a little bit. You couldn't say a word. "This" she held the middle aged woman's hand. "She is your mother Bae Sooyoung"
"Mother??" You asked. The last time you remember, your dad told you that your Mother was dead.
"Yes.!" Your so called mother said quickly coming to you. You could see her eyes filled with tears as she wipes it away so that you would not see her crying. She surely was having pain seeing you tied up in the chair.

"And this is your Father Bae Seok Hyun" you were heaving a headache. All things seemed to be confusing. Now how did you had a two Father? You didn't wanna believe those. No. You didn't believe them. You have your dad in jail right now who has raised you, a mother who died after giving birth to you. These were the family you remembered. Not grandma and a living mother!!

"I want to see my dad who's in jail right now!"

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