part 1 - the concert

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Your point of view:
Today you and you friends Milly, Lucy, Amber and Olivia were off to see THE Justin Bieber In concert. Justin is on his purpose world tour and his next stop is London,England and you all decided to go to his concert.
Yourself, Milly, lucy and Olivia are all beliebers and have been since 2009 but have never been able to afford to go to justin's concert but now you are 19 you're parents think it is time for you to grow up a bit and go live life to its fullest. Amber is not a belieber, however, she wanted to come anyway as she is a huge fans of his music.
(You are all gathered at Milly's house the morning of the concert ready to get ready)
"Omg  I am so excited to go and see justin today"said Olivia
"Same, I can't believe we are going!!" Said Amber
* ring ring*
"Sorry guys I have to get this call i'LL be right back" you said
"Hello" you said.
"Hello, is this y/n y/l/n?"asked the woman calling
"Umm.... yes?" You replied.
"Hello y/n. I am just calling to enquire about you and your friends' tickets." She said.
"What about them?" You asked worried
"Just that I am happy to tell you that you have got pit upgrades for your tickets, which means you will be in the front row."
"Omg no way?" You said shocked
"Omg yes way!" She said
"Thank you" you said before hanging up.
"Aggggghhhhh!" You screamed going into Milly's room where they other girls were waiting.
"What is it?" Asked Milly worried.
"You won't guess what?" You said excited to tell the news.
"Kanye West is running for president?" Amber wondered
"Not quite, not yet anyway, try again!" You said
"We won the lottery?" Lucy said in hope.
"Nope, why would anyone call me to tell me about that anyway? You won't guess so I may as well save our time and just tell you." You said
"Okay?" Said Olivia
"Our tickets have just got pit upgrades, meaning that we will be in the first row!" You said almost screaming at the end of the sentence
"No way?!" Said Milly
"That's crazy" said Olivia
"That's what I said but it's true!" You screamed.
"That's amazing" said Milly
" we had better wear something that will make us stand out from the crowd then!" Said Olivia exited.
"Definitely!" You said.
You all started to get ready, you did your makeup, and got changed after having your lunch which, of course, was domino's pizza. You wear a black body con dress which was sleeveless but had a choker bit going around your neck. Your hair was in a high bun and you were wearing black high heels. You looked stunning. The time was 5pm only 4 and  half hours to the concert so you all walked down stairs and said goodbye to Milly's parents before getting into the taxi waiting to take you to the concert. It took 2 and half hours to get there but it felt like no time at all because you were all listening to music and getting really excited for the concert.
When you arrived you found out that you only had to wait in a short queue because you were going to be stood at the front.
Once you made your way inside the huge stadium you took your places and waited impatiently for the show to begin.
As soon as the stadium was full and everyone had settled into their places the lights started to dim and the crowed started to be quiet and the box with justin in was able to be seen and mark my words started to play. You got your phone and and started to take out pictures but as soon as justin got out of the box you put your phone away because you knew he hated it and you wanted to watch it with your own eyes not through a screen.
The concert was amazing and as he ended with sorry and the water poured down from the ceiling you screamed you head off and you cried your eyes out as he made his way backstage once again. You already missed his angelic voice and thought of the amazing concert you had just witnessed.
"He was incredible!" You heard Milly say.
"Yes he really was." You said
Booming out of the speakers was a man's voice which you didn't really listen to as you and the other girls were discussing the concert. The only bit you vaguely hear was "those in the front row, just a reminder that tickets to the after party are included in your ticket for tonight as a thank you and those not in the front row who would like to attend the after party, tickets are available outside the stadium but only a limited number are available. Thank you!"
You told the girls to be quiet as the man said this and just to check that you hadn't misheard having missed the start of the announcement you checked with the girl stood next to me.
"Hello, excuse me, did that announcement say that people in the front row are able to attend to after party?" I asked politely.
"Yes it did." She said with a smile.
"Thank you" you said grateful
"No problem enjoy your night" she said
"You too" I replied.
I turned around to the girls and we all screamed.
We then made our way to the party room where we would be partying tonight. We walked in and it was so loud so we got the empty table in the back corner of the party room and Milly and Olivia got us some drinks.
All of the girls had been up for a dance apart from you. Although you were enjoying yourself you just couldn't be bothered to get up. So you were sat alone at your table guarding the girl's bags.
You watched justin  walk into the the club and the whole room cheer and scream and shout saying that they all love him and his performance tonight was incredible. Which no doubt it was and I really wanted to let him know but I didn't want to bombard him as soon as he walked through the door like everyone else, I decided that if by any chance justin came this way I would go over and say well done.
I checked my phone and decide I would now post the photo of me and the girls in front of the purpose tour stand outside the stadium I captioned it 'don't think this night could have gone any better' and hit the share button.
When  I looked up again I couldn't see justin anywhere nor the girls so I just went back on my phone. I was engrossed in my phone and all the likes and comments on my post that I only became aware of my surroundings when I heard a familiar voice.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing sat on her own when she could be having fun?"
"Does it matter?" I said not looking up from my phone.
"Not really. But as this is my party then I want to make sure everyone is having fun." He replied
"What are you talking about, your party?" I said still not looking up
"Well if you bothered to look up then you would understand what I meant."
I looked up and saw the most handsome man I had ever set my eyes on. Justin.
" oh gosh. Justin I am so sorry. I didn't realise it was you." You said embarrassed
"Well if you weren't so interested on your phone, then......" justin replied.
"Sorry......" I said " that is super embarrassing....." you said
"Nah....... It really wasn't I have seen worse" he said laughing
I smiled back, blushing a little.
" so i'll ask you again, what is a pretty girl like you sat here all alone when there is a killer of a party going on?" He repeated
"Umm... someone had to look after the girls' bags so I volunteered, only until they come back though, of course." I said
" of course" he said with a smirk on his face.
" what's so funny?" I asked worried.
" have been up to dance at all yet?"
"Well.....umm..... I .......I mean......." I stalled
" i'll take that a no then, come on let's go and dance" he said taking my hand.
"What about the bags?" I asked trying to find a way out(I am a terrible dancer)
"I got it covered" he said pointing to his body guards standing by the table
"You are not getting out of this one that easily." He said
I looked around and saw the girls watching me and saw Milly give me a wink and Olivia giving me the thumbs up.
"I'M a terrible dancer though." I pointed out.
"There is no such thing as a terrible dancer" he said pulling me onto the dance floor and giving me a big smile.
"Well then you clearly haven't met me" i said sternly.
Justin burst out laughing.
"I am being serious." I said "I am awful"
"Well let me teach you then."he said
"Okay I guess I will have an OK teacher" I said shrugged.
"Ok?! I'm the best!" He smirked back.
(The song HEY YA! Came on and was booming out of the speakers)
Justin and I started dancing. We ended up in a heap on the floor and we both were laughing our heads off.
When we got back to the table the girls were sat there laughing their heads off too.
"What?" I asked grinning
"Justin please meet y/n the worst dancer ever to have lived" said milly laughing and clapping.
Justin stood back and clapped too and pretended to bow down to me.
I just laughed.
Justin took me to one side then.
"Y/n would you like to come home with me?" He asked scratching his neck nervously. "I would really like to get to know you better"
"You already know my darkest secret which is my dancing skills" I said leading us both to laugh.
"But yes,why not" I replied giving a small smile.
He hugged me so tight then as I felt his warm muscular body hold mine, I felt so safe at that moment and I didn't want it to end, but it did as justin pulled away at that moment.
He took my hand and lead me back to the table.
" hope you guys don't mine but y/n is coming home with me tonight" said justin giving me a cute small smile.
"Okay" said milly smiling at me as she gave me a quick hug to say goodbye.I then hugged the other girls and said good night.
Then taking my hand justin lead me out of the club, just before we reached the door I heard someone shout my name from behind, it was milly.
"Y/n" she called "don't forget protection." She winked. I blushed looking down.
"We won't" I heard justin say with a smirk.
I turned to look at justin as he laughed, he took my face in his hand and placed it on my cheek and kissed me. the kiss felt amazing like nothing I could describe. It felt so right. And I think justin felt that too. We pulled away and smiled at each other greatly before he opened the door of the club, I took one last glance over my shoulder at my friends who smiled at me and waved I waved back and stepped outside of the door into the pouring rain. Justin saw it was raining so took off his jacket and wrapped it round my shoulder and put his hand around my waist and walked me to his car. A man opened the door for me and I got in shuffled over to my side to let justin in.
"That's one thing I hate about england," he said " it always rains!" He said laughing.
I laughed too and snuggled my head  into his chest. He put his arm around me as we waited for the driver to drive off. All I could see outside was flashing lights and people looking in and heard their questions. 'Who's the new girl justin' 'is she your new girlfriend' 'are you gonna stay with her or is it a one night stand?' I looked up at justin who rolled his eyes and looked down at me.
"Don't listen to them, one I don't do one night stands anymore, that was just when I was younger and immature and two I would never do that to you" he said he eyes staring in mine.
I smiled.
He pecked me on the forehead before saying, "you're beautiful."
I looked up at him looking into he hazel brown eyes before saying, "that was a bit random, but thank you" I chuckled.
He replied saying, "it's true." Before resting his head on top of mine.

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