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You had fallen asleep in Justin's car and you were being woken up by a gentle shaking. You opened your heavy and and realised where you were.
"We're here princess" said a loving voice.
I sat up and saw Justin, I smiled at the memory of that evening.
"Why you smiling?" Justin said with a grin.
"It's just been a great night" you say looking out of the window, through it you could see a huge mansion, your eyes widened at the sight.
"Alright, well I don't know about you but I'm tried so let's go inside" he said as the door was being opened. I stepped out with Justin holding my hand as we walked up the steps to the house. Justin opened the door and let me in first I looked around and everything was so spacious it was beautiful.
"Not as beautiful as you though" I heard a voice behind me. I turned facing Justin blushing slightly.
"Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed.
"Yeah" he said chuckling.
Justin took my hand and lead me up the stairs to his bedroom. It was so big and luxurious I fell in love with it straight away.
"Wow" I say.
"You like it?" Justin asks
"Yep" I said popping the p. Justin laughed and made his way to the bathroom.
"Make yourself at home I'm just gonna get ready for bed, I'll find you out a new toothbrush." He said winking, oh yeah I didn't have any of my stuff.
"Uhh. Justin" I asked kinda nervous.
"Yeah?" I heard him shout back from the bathroom.
"I don't have any clothes to wear to sleep in" I said nervously. I heard a laugh and then saw him head stick round the door.
" I have a long shirt in my bottom of my wardrobe, actually I have quite a few, take your pick, they're big for me so they should fit you." He said going back into the bathroom.
I found a top with purpose written on it. I waited till Justin came out of the bathroom and made my way in there, I brushed my teeth took off my makeup (he somehow had makeup remover😂)
And changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and the shirt came to my mid thigh so I decided I would keep my black laced underwear on. I walked out of the bathroom and jumped on Justin's shoulders as he was as the other way and started giving him a massage. He groaned sexually which made me jump and stop my actions.
"Don't stop baby" he groaned.
I went back to massaging him.
"Why are you giving me a massage anyway?" He asked
"Cuz you asked me to" I laughed, he chuckled.
"Nah... before I asked?" He said
"Oh...... I guess it was because you seem really tensed up, which isn't suprising I mean you literally just did another huge concert after a world tour." I said continuing my actions.
"That's sweet" he said smiling.
We sat there in a comfortable silence as I continued my actions when suddenly Justin started talking.
"YN?" He said
"Mmmm" I hummed back
"You can't tell anyone, even scooter doesn't know about this and I don't want to worry him." He said
"It depends what it is" you said stopping your actions and sitting beside him.
"Alright well, I don't feel great mentally, I'm always exhausted and I've just had enough in general of the whole touring thing."
"You only have a few more shows left justin then you can just relax" i said giving him a sympathetic smile.
"I don't know if I can last that long YN" he said looking down.
"What do you mean?" I ask shuffling closer to him
" I mean I'm  starting to feel depressed again like I started to be at the believe tour except I'm only getting the warning signs at the moment, nothing to big." He said letting a tear slip. I wiped it away.
"I try to keep on a strong face cuz I don't want my beliebers, you guys, to see me broken and I don't want to let my team down by cancelling it early, they'll think I'm not a proper man" he said breaking down into tears. I held him close as he rested his head on my chest.
"Justin admitting that there is something wrong doesn't make you any less of a man, in fact it shows you are more of a man by showing your emotions and showing that you are a normal person. And trust me, being a belieber, we would much prefer you cancel the tour than for something bad to happen, we know what happened last time and we don't want to be in the same place again." I paused listening to his slowing breathing. "The people who have bought tickets for the shows you may cancel will obviously be upset but I'm sure that they would be far worse if you let this get the better of you and don't come clean." I say rubbing his head through his hair.
"I guess you're right" he said still resting his head on my chest.
"Do you want to cancel the rest of the tour then?" I asked him.
"I guess that's for the best." He said shakily.
"Don't worry about what the media has to say about it, your proper fans will understand why you did what you did" I say. "Why don't we call scooter tomorrow?" I ask.
"Ok" he says slowly sitting up. I give him a small smile and he returns it. He starts to lean in at that point and so do I. Until we crash out lips together sharing a passionate kiss, which soon turns into a make out. I all backwards onto the bed with Justin landing on top of me supporting his own weight as so not to crush me. He starts to kiss along my jaw line. As I let soft moans out his starts to move to my neck. I can see where this is headed so I push him away.
"I-I-I cant do this s-sorry." I say sitting up and moving away.
"Oh..... ok....." he says looking down.
"I'm sorry I didn't know that you didn't want to" he mumbles.
I look at him and lift his head up with two fingers and say, "it's ok I should have said earlier."
He gulped, "did I do something wrong, am I my good enough for you" he starts rambling on with tears in his eyes. Eventually one escapes and he brushes it away, hoping that I didn't notice.
"It's not that Justin of course I want you" I say sympathetically
"Then what was it, what was the problem?" He asks raising his voice.
"Justin calm down" I say slowly.
"Don't tell me to fucking calm down my name is Justin drew bieber, do you know who I am? I'm the boy that every girl wants, what's wrong with you" he spits.
"What's wrong with me?" I spit, "what's wrong with me is that I don't want to have sex with you justin."
"Why?" He shouts
"Why? Because I'm still a fucking virgin Justin and I'm not ready to lose it yet" I scream. Justin head falls.
"I'm sorry I didn't know" he says.
"That's cuz I didn't tell you silly" I says laughing nervously.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do YN I'm sorry if I made you feel forced to do something you didn't want to do" he says making eye contact, I notice his eyes brimming with tears again. That's when he broke down, I gabbed him and held him in a tight loving hug.
"It's alright jay, it's alright, let it out babe" I just sat there with him crying in his arms.
"Why did you want to have sex with me so badly anyways?" I asked after a long silence.
" I don't know, all my emotions are all over the place at the moment and you're the only one who knows, I thought this would be the only way to get you as my girl, I want you as my girl friend YN cuz I've never had the guts to tell anyone about how I'm feeling but I told you, cuz I feel different talking to you, you listen and don't write me off straight away, I like you YN a lot, you make me feel better about myself and I thought this would be the only way I'd get you." He said sobbing. " i thought that you weren't a virgin cuz you're so stunning and all the boys would want you and you would have had it before." He whispered that part.
"Is alright Justin. I appreciate that you think I'm pretty" I said with a smile, " and you could also get me as a girlfriend too Justin cuz I know you have a lovely heart, as a belieber we all think that, and I know you would be the perfect boyfriend and I want that for sure, but that doesn't mean you have to have sex with me to get me, no way. I always would have preferred it if that wasn't the way, I mean we only just met, and I really don't want to have sex, let alone lose my virginity to someone I've just met even if that is you Justin."
He hums in response.
"And Justin I have been through that mental problem that you have, I know that your emotions play tricks on you and are always all over the place and you don't really had control over them, I also know is hard I trust someone enough to tell them how you feel and to find that person to tell is a big thing. But I've overcome this Justin and I am help you overcome it too." I said stroking his back
"Thank you YN" he whispered. And with that we get under the covers and snuggle together for a nice long sleep.

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