Undefeated (chapter 9)

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Chapter 9


"Bye,Honey,be safe."Someone whispers in a dream.

A wake up rubbing my eyes.I splash cold water on my face,which wakes me up like someone slapped me while I was sleeping.

I walk downstairs,with water dripping off my face.I expected mom humming a song from a musical while frying eggs.

Though I just approach a dim sunlight peeking through the windows...and a note.

I pick up the note,being careful not to wet it.


I will be gone for eight days.Remember to eat.Call me every night.Only call me after six,because most of the time,I'm in a meeting.Ill be back on Wednesday evening,seven.If you need anything,tell Anne (04 556 785).Stay safe.Love you.

~Mum (04 873 546)

I please the letter down.Home alone for eight days.Huh.

So it wasn't a dream after all,she came to say goodbye to me,except I was to stupid say bye back.

I shudder as I make my way to the fridge to make breakfast.A phone on the kitchen bench buzzes.

Shit.Thats mom's phone.She left it here.Shit.

At school Jamie passes me and smiles a bit.I lower my head.Lily,don't think about him.Katie approaches me,and that's when I remember.I have to eat lunch with her.Spend forty five freeing minutes with her...and Jamie.I bet she'll be trying to keep Jamie all to her self(...not that I care).Then she'll babble on about how great her nails look...She snaps me out of my imagination.

"Earth to Lily."She says,looking bored.

"Oh,sorry."I say sarcastically.

"Lunch,remember."She says sternly and then makes her way to Jamie with her two minions.

They snicker as the pass me and whispers something like,"I bet her Auburn hair isn't real."

I turn around and I glare at them."For the record,it is!"I shout from the other end of where they are.They turn around and hiss.






I spot Lily walking away from Katie and her clique.But then something blocks that vision.A blonde head.Katie.

"Hey,James."She says and reaches up to touch my hair.

I shiver at the touch and when she sees this she glares.

"Remember to have lunch with me!"She chirps and skips,I mean walks to her class.





Lunch couldn't of been worst.

I see Katie sitting at one of the tables,her two minions at her side,then Jamie in front of her.

She picks at her salad.When she sees me her eyes light up with surprise and she smiles evilly.

"Hey,lil."She says in a sing-sing voice.Lil?

"Hey,uum,Katie."I stammer,shoving my hands into my jean pockets.

I take a seat next to Jamie.She glares at me for a split second and then turns her head to whisper to her friends.One of them giggle slightly and stares at me like I'm some sort of alien.I get a pang of depression mixed with guilt.I crouch down into my seat.

"Lily?"Jamie whispers as he nudges my arm.I look up to him with tears in my eyes.

"Lily,are you alright?"He asks.

I get up quickly without looking back and I run down the hallway,tears streaming down my face.

I hear the girls laugh at me.I put my hood over my head as I run into the girls' bathroom.

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