Chapter 3

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(Arcee's P.O.V.)

When we had gotten to Soundwave's room he turned up the lights. I saw his berth to the back left of his room, and he had a monitor and a table right next to it. On top on the table was Laserbeak. Soundwave slip by me carefully and went over to the table and work on Laserbeak.

I walked over to his berth and sat down on it. I curled my knees to my chassis. I laid my helm on top of my knees. I don't what happen next. I had started to cry. I made sure that I was quiet because I didn't disturb Soundwave. I stop crying when I felt someone was touching me. I look up and saw Soundwave was in front of me, and he had placed one of his servo on my arm.

"Soundwave: will protect Arcee. From: everyone on the ship. Soundwave: promise."

I smiled a little and with that he removed his servo, and he went back over to Laserbeak to continued working on him.

'Why did he comfort me? Why didn't he just ignore me?'

I thought about these questions which were running in my mind. But each time I would even think Soundwave's name my spark would flutter a bit.

'Am I falling in love with Soundwave?'

I look at him and my spark started to race. I look away at him, and my spark started to slow down back to normal. After it was back to normal I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

'I do love him, but does he love me? Or am I just feel like this because he saved my life? Enough. I need to find out where I'm at.'


When I had said his name, he look at me. I could feel my spark started to race when he had face me.

"You and that spider bot said something about a rule? Also who are they?"

He walk over to be closer to me, and he kneeled down in front of me. I guessed so I don't have to look up at him all the time, and his helm was level just like me.

"Rule: femme is allowed to choose a guardian to protect them. Mech: can only have one femme. Mech: can say no. Than: femme is turned down and is easy picking for other mechs. Femme: can only choose once. Main: rule." Soundwave stated.

I thought about of what Soundwave said, and what would have happen to me if he had said. I saw that he had waited for me.

'Why did he wait?'

I nodded my helm, so that he could continue.

"They: are Tarantulas and Blackarachnia. Second: leader of the ship. Blackarachnia: bond to Tarantulas. Why: Soundwave?"

Not going to lie, but that question caught me off guard.

"What: happen on Cybertron with human allies."
'Human allies?'

He is more caring than we had though he was.

"Well... I trust you more than the other Cons."

It is the truth. There have been some mission were the Cons have been there to help us out at some points of time. I have spent some time with the other Cons and Soundwave is the only one that I can trust out of all them. Soundwave nodded and ask.

"More: question?"
"Where are we?"
"Unknown: ship jump to new coordinate every 6 Earth hours."
'That's not enough time to find where we are, but every ship needs supplies.'
"What about supplies?"
"Bridged: on ship. New: location when ship arrived."

I could feel that I was getting tired.

"Who is the leader of the ship."

I notice that my voice had wariness in it.

"Leader: Scourge.


My spark skip a few beats when I heard his name. He was a minion of the Bringer of Chaos, Unicorn. Even though Unicorn was on Cybertron lock away forever it scares me that his minions will free him.

"Scourge: never here long enough to be seen by soldiers on board."

He placed a servo back on my arm again.

'Does he like me?'
(Soundwave's P.O.V.)

"Arcee: must rest."

I told her as my servo tested on her arm again. I had a feeling inside which was a warm feeling. I was glad that Arcee didn't fight or argue with me. She just nod her helm and I removed my servo on her arm and stand up. I walk back over to Laserbeak and continued to work on him. I had turned down the lights in my room so that Arcee could sleep.
I could feel that the ship was getting ready to jump, and when it did jump I look over at Arcee. Who was still asleep. I open my visor for the first time being on the ship. When it was completely open, I smiled. The conversation I just had with Arcee was the best thing to happen on this ship. I don't know about her, but I was falling in love with her.

'I love you Arcee. Please don't hate me because of it.'

I put my visor back on and continued to work on Laserbeak.

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