Chapter 10

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(Soundwave's P.O.V.)

"How do we get off this ship Sound?" Arcee ask as I let her go.
"Scourge or that mech must have a ship, or a ground bridge remote. Like the same thing that Starscream used."

I walked over to a monitor. I started to going through the database to see if there was a ship on board.

"Okay. Say if there is a ship, how do we get it? Ask nicely?"

I didn't realize that I had started typing faster unlit Arcee's servo was on one of my servo that was typing. I stop and hold it in my servo. I look down at her. I sighed.

"I don't know Arcee."

Arcee was going to say something, but she was cut off by a alarm. I let go of Arcee's servo, and I put my visor back on.

"What is going on Sound?"

I heard that there was panic in her voice. I turned back at the monitor, and it showed that there was another ship was inbound. The alarms got shut off, and Scourge came over mine and Arcee's coms.

"Soundwave. Arcee. Will you come to the bridge."
"We better go to him, and see what he needs us for." I faced Arcee again and nodded my helm. I grabbed one of her servos, and placed in on top of Laserbeak. She was confused at first than that it went into shock.

'I'm not the only one who cares about you Arcee.'
"Bond: stronger. When: repaired. Laserbeak: make Arcee stronger in battle." I said.

I pulled her gently on servo to lead her out of the room.

"Is it like what happen to Bee's team with the minions that they help?"

I let go over her servo and turned my helm and nodded at her.
We reach the bridge, and I saw Scourge and Cyclones talking. I saw that Arcee didn't show any fear, but I could feel it. I turned my helm to the left, and I saw Tarantulas and Blackarachnia walking towards us. I motion Arcee to follow me. I walked closer to them.

"Soundwave. Arcee. How goes the repairs?" Tarantulas asked when we were close enough to talk.
"Slow." I stated.
"Good. That means you guys are making sure the ship is running properly."
'No. The ship took a major beating, and it is taking longer than it should.'

I just nodded my helm to answer his question. I noticed that Blackarachnia was still very weak. I turned my helm back over to Scourge who just finished talking to his brother.

"Well, thank you for the report Scourge." Cyclones said.

When we was done talking he was bridge off the ship.
(Arcee's P.O.V.)

Before Cyclones left I saw something on his right arm. It look a lot like a teleport, but I not what it is.

'I'll have to talk with Sound about it when we are alone. I don't think he speaks in his normal voice. Only his robot voice.'

My attention turned back to Scourge who was addressing Sound.

"Soundwave. Do we have the parts to get the ship moving again?" Scourge asked facing all of us.
"No: Sir." Sound stated to him.
"Alright. I'll get the parts for you two. That will be all. You may go."

I saw that Sound started to bow, and I did the same thing. I hated to bow at Scourge because what he had done to me. I do it so it doesn't anger him, and so I could stay with Sound. We stood back up, and walk back to the engine room.
When we got back to the engine room, there was crates in the room now.


Sound walked over to them, and I guess to make sure all of the part were there. I walked over to him, and stood next to him.

"Yes." Sound said without looking up from the crates.
"Did you see what was on Cyclones arm?"
"No. What was it that you saw?" He asked looking up, and over at me.
"It look a little like a teleport."

He was thinking for a while before he said, "Did it look like this?"

He brought up a picture that look a lot of what I saw, but it was way different too.

"Yes. No. Maybe? That's it, but it's not. What is it?"
"Its a transmitter, but it has been modified by Midna. It makes our signal stronger, so if we went onto a area that is dead spot are signal won't be lost."

'Not the best word, but I was lost of words. This Minda may be smarter than the oldest Cybertronians from the golden age of Cybertron.'
"So this transmitter helps his soldiers were he is?"
"Does this ship have a ground bridge?"
'Because if this ship have a ground bridge maybe Minda can get us back to Earth.'

Sound signed. When I heard him sighed, my plan to get back to Earth was destroyed. My optics moved to the ground.

"Yes, but it has been broken for-" Sound started to say, but stop.

I started moving my optics back up at him, but he had grabbed me. When he grabbed me I held on to him, I did so I would not have been thrown across the room. I knew that Sound would never do that, but I was being careful. I felt my peds left the ground and I saw we were going in a small circle.

'We are spinning. Why?'
"You're a genius Arcee." He stated.

I could feel that I was starting to get sick.

'He is moving very fast.'
"Will you stop spinning us." I somewhat yelled at Sound.

I closed my optics and moved my helm closer to his body. I rested by helm on his shoulder, and I was venting deeply trying to get to normal. I felt Sound was slowly down, and I heard him chuckle.

"Sorry. I got a little carried away."
'Yeah you did.'

I felt his helm was resting against mine. When my breathing was back to normal I asked him, "How I am a genius?"

I still had my optics closed, and my peds slowly found their way back down to the ground. I still had a good hold onto Sound, and he did the same.

"You're a genius because of the ground bridge."

I open my optics and slowly look up at Sound. My helm was still spinning from the spinning we just did.

"You said that the ground bridge was broken."
"Yes I did, but now it can be fix with the parts that we just got from Cyclones."

I could feel my spark started to race.


"We will have to be careful to not get caught, but we will get off this ship and go back to Earth."
'Earth with Sound. Dream come true.'

I closed my optics again and rested my helm against his chassis. I could hear our spark as one in his chassis. I also heard Sound had started to hum a song.

'All of my time on Earth I have never this song before. It must be from a different country or it is one of Minda's songs. It is very pretty.'

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