Chapter 6

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(Soundwave's P.O.V.)

After I left Arcee at in front of my door, I made my way to the bridge. When I entered the bridge, there was Blackarachnia and a few other bots were working on the monitors.

'So glad that I don't have to do that anymore.'

I turned to face Tarantulas who was in the middle of the room. I stop walking, and my spark started to race when I saw who we was talking with.


"There you are Soundwave." Tarantulas said as he motioned me over.
'No. I'll stay right here.'

I did what I was told. I hate going towards him and Scourge. I was terrified and I didn't show it to them. When I was walking I towards them, I could have sworn my servos were shaking. When I had reach them, both of them were looking at me.

'Oh boy.'

Scourge was the first one to speak.

"So Soundwave, why did the ship jumped?"
'Ok. This is not going to be so bad.'

My spark went back to normal, and I told them (mostly Scourge) why the ship jumped.

"After: Soundwave left the early today went to room. Ship: jumped more violently. Soundwave: and Arcee went to engine room. Found: all circuits were fired. Put: replacement in. Replacement: must made ship jumped." I told the leader of the ship.
'We did this before Tarantulas found out.'

I wanted to say that so badly, but I held my glossa. I could see that Scourge was thinking about, and it had made me very uncomfortable. Scourge was staring at me the whole time while he thinked. I could feel that my spark started to race again.

'Pleased don't rip my spark out because of the ship's space bridge circuits were fired.'

I stood stilled for a while before he said, "That will be-"

He was stop by the lights going out.

'Not my fault.'
"Blackarachnia. Why are the lights out?"

Blackarachnia was at the main monitor in the bridge.

"I don't know Sir, but the backup engine is coming online."

The lights came back on and there was a Cybertronian half way from the door and the three of us. Scourge grab me, and pushed me out of the way. I moved to the right. I stayed right behind Scourge and Tarantulas. I heard Tarantulas grumble about how wimpy I was about this strange Cybertronian.

'I may have served under Lord Megatron, but Midna has taught me to not trust anyone. So you don't get the right to call me a wimp Tarantulas.'

This Cybertronian was black and it look like him had a cloak on him.

"Who are you?" Scourge asked the bot.
"My name is not important, but many will die tonight." The mech said.
'Is that supposed to threatening? Because it's not.'

"Not if we kill you first!" A bot said in the room.

I saw two bots running towards him. He had pulled out a energon sword out from his side, and he had cut the helm off of one bots and stab his sword through the other bot. The bot had move so quickly that he had wounded Blackarachnia and he vanish.

"Blackarachnia!" Tarantulas yelled as he ran towards her.
"Where did-" Someone started to say, but was cut off by a explosion.

The explosion was so powerful that it had threw me, and sent something towards my helm. Causing me to get knocked out.

My system rebooted and it was dark on the bridge. The only light that there was the emergency ones which are red.

"Soundwave... help."

I jolted when I heard my name being called. I slowly go up to my peds. When I look around I could see that my visor was cracked, I saw that there was energon everywhere, but Scourge, Tarantulas, and Blackarachnia weren't in the room.

'They must have gotten out.'

I could see a bunch of bodies that laid motionless.

'Who's called my name?'

I slowly got out of the area I was in.

"Soundwave... help me please."


She was the one calling my name. She sounded very weak.

'She must have gotten injured during the explosion.'

I gotten out of the bridge and made way to my room. My spark was racing, and I was hoping that she was still online. When I was running to, I saw a lot of dead Cybertronian bodies, and there was a lot of energon spread across the hallways.
I finally got to the door of my room. It did help that there was a lot of debris blocking most of the way. I open my door and enter it. I removed my visor to find Arcee better. Than I saw her.


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