Chapter 7

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(Arcee's P.O.V. After being attached)

I was sitting on the ground close by Soundwave's monitor. I had one of my servo over to the left on my side. It was the spot where that bot attacked me. I was leaking a lot of energon which wasn't good, then I heard a explosion.


My spark race because I was worried about him. I heard blasters shot coming outside of the room which was followed by a few screams. It only lasted for a few seconds. Than I remember that I had Soundwave personal comm link channel.

'I hope that works.'
"Soundwave." I heard that my voice had a lot of worried in it.

I was worried that he was offline. Then I heard a sound that sounded like a computer coming back on.

'He is still online.'

I had a smile on my face.

"Soundwave... help."

I could feel more pain in my side. I look down at my wound. I could see that there was energon seeping through my digits. I could feel that my optics started getting tears in them.

"Soundwave... help me please."

I could feel all of my strength was gone. I leaned back into the wall.

"Primes, I not ready to join the Allspark."

My optics closed.

'I don't want to go offline. I want to tell Soundwave that I love him.'

I felt my servo slide off of my wound.

My optics open and I saw Soundwave. I saw that he didn't have his visor on. He ran over to me and kneeled down.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

There was panic in his voice. Before I could answer him, he placed one of his servo on my wound. I groaned in pain. He quickly removed his servo which was replaced by one of my own. I could see that there was energon on his servo. He look at it with surprise.

'Not your fault Soundwave. You didn't know.'

There was a another shot of pain in my side, I moaned and moved my other servo to it and I brought my legs closer to me. I had closed my optics because of the pain.

I could feel slender digits over my servo. I reopened my optics and look up. I saw Soundwave face was full of kindness.

"Arcee. Your going have to move your servos out of the way, so I can help you." He said in a soft and sweet voice.

I was hesitant that I should do it because of the pain.

'I will trust you Soundwave that you will help me.'

After a moment I nodded my helm, I slowly moved both of my servos carefully. I heard a 'hiss' right next to me, and I saw shelve facing Soundwave. There was tools in there, and they all looked like medical tools. He grab out a cloth. He placed his left servo on my stomach and his right servo had the cloth. He slowly moved it over my wound. I winced each time he added a little bit of pressure. I my optics traveled from my wound and Soundwave's face.

'Thank you Soundwave.'

Then he took out a few more tools, most of them I didn't know what they are. One of the room was a shot and a another was started closing my wound. When my wound was getting closed I couldn't feel any pain.

'That shot must have numb my stomach, so I couldn't feel any pain.'

When he was finished, he injected some more energon into my system.

"Soundwave." I started to say, but I was stop my one of his digits.
"Don't try to speak Arcee. You are still very weak."

He gently pick me up in his arms, and walk over to his berth. Than he laid me out careful on his berth, I look up at Soundwave with a weak smile. He kneeled down and put a servo on the right side of my face.

"Tried and get some rest, my love."

He had a smile on his face. I closed my optics and started going into recharged.

'My love.'

That phrase repeated in my mind and in my spark.
(Soundwave's P.O.V.)

I kept my servo on her face until she was fast asleep. I removed it, and walked over where she was sitting at before I laid her down on my berth. I had started to cleaned up all of the energon that Arcee loss and when I was working on her. It took me forever to clean up because I was shaking so bad.

'She would have offline if I didn't reach her in time. I go to her in time, and I love her.'

These two lines repeated in my mind over and over. Even when I was cleaning the tools that I had used to fix her. It wasn't until after I put away the tools when I heard a sound. I stop moving to see if the sound will repeat itself.


I turned around to see if it was Arcee said my name and if she was the one who had made the sound. I walked closer to see if it was her, but she was still fast asleep. I smiled.

'Tick. Tick.'
'Behind me.'

I turned around and face my door.

'Its coming from outside my door.'

I put my visor on and walked over to my door. Before I open my door, I made sure my weapons were ready if that bot came back. I open my door, and I was Scourge was standing in front of me.

"Soundwave, it is great to see that you are still online." Scourge said in a super loud voice.
'This idiot is going to wake up Arcee.'

I placed one of my servo on his chassis and pushed him a back a bit. I shut my door so that if he needs to talk to me. He can do it without waking up Arcee.

'I could care less if he threatens me for touching him.'

I could tell that he was starting to get mad when I pushed him. But it was gone within a second.

'He must have seen Arcee, and the state she is in.'

He look down at me and asked, "How is she Soundwave?"
'Truth, I don't know.'
"Arcee: fighter. Arcee: made it. Blackarachnia: made it?" I stated and asked.
"Yes. She made it, but I have lost 2/3 of my crew. By this killer bot."
'This sounds a lot like what happen to Megatron.'
Starscream and Knockout had this brilliant plan to put Dark Energon with the Synthetic Energon. It had turned most of the turned most of the crew into Terrorcons that would suck the energon out of a normal Cybertronian. It didn't help that Airachnid had gotten freed, and took control of the Insecticons.
"I'll let you go back to her Soundwave." Scourge said bring me back to the present.

I nod my helm to him. He smiled and turned around and walk off. After he left I went in my room.

'I hope Arcee is still alright.'

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