Chapter 14

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(Midna's P.O.V)

"You're late. You know how much I hate when someone is late." I said when I saw Sound and Arcee step through the ground bridge. When they came through, I saw that Arcee was injured and a small line of energon was moving down her leg. I snap out of my bad attitude, so I could help Arcee out.

"Put her down Sound. I want to take a look at that cut on Arcee's leg please." I said when I was walking over towards them.

Sound nodded his helm. He kneeled down enough, so that I could look at Arcee's leg. When I reached Arcee's leg I saw that Sound had a sung hold on Arcee. I couldn't blame him. What he and Arcee went though was a nightmare, and they just woken up from it. When I was looking over Arcee's wound, I heard something that was a little off. I focused more on the sound than anything else, and I could hear two spark beats.

*Thumb... Thumb.*
*Thud... Thud-Thud.*

'Wow. There is two sparks inside of Arcee's spark chamber. One of them is Arcee's spark, and the other is Sound's spark.
After looking over Arcee's wound, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But it still need be taken care of.

"The wound isn't as bad, but we are still going go back to base to make sure it is taken care properly."

I pulled out my phone and comm. back to the base. I called to base, and Rumble was the one who pick up.

"What do you need Midna?" Rumble asked.
"I need a ground bridge at my location. Please and thank you."

I heard Sound chuckling, and I look over at him.

"Someone is tried because you are more snappy at them than you are to Starscream and Knockout."

I look at him for a moment then I hung my head in shame.

"I haven't a whole lot of sleep. Between trying to find you, and helping my family out..." I my hand rolled to him.
"I get it." Sound said smile.

I heard the ground bridge was coming up, and I started walking towards it. I stopped when I heard my being called

"Are you Midna?"

I turned around, and I saw that it was Arcee who was the one asking.

"Yes, I'm am. Now lets gets you patch up Arcee." I said and I was smiling at her.

I beacken Sound to come.

I step through the ground bridge with Sound and Arcee. I heard Arcee say, "You don't seem that mean."

"Thats becasue you haven't yet to seen her mad Arcee." A voice said in the room.

I look up, and I saw Knouctout, Starscream, Shockwave, and Nitrous in the room.

"Thanks for the comment Screamy." I said walking up the stairs in thier home base, but it was one of the many wherehouse that I own.

"By the Allspark." Knockout said in a very surprised voice.


I look around, and saw that Sound didn't have his visor on.


"What is it Knockout?" Nitrous question the good doctor in a very worrisome voice.

"Soundwave... Has a face." Shockwave stated.

I looked over at Sound who look like he was going to kill everyone in the room. He sighed and walked over the the medical center, and Knockout followed him. I sighed and shaked my head at their lame teasing of Sound. He has had his visors off many times, but they like to think it would be funny to mess with him.

"What's the matter Midna?"

I look over at Starscream, and glared at him evilly. I felt my shoulder getting touch. I look over my shoulder, and I saw Frenzy.

"What is up Frenzy?" I asked.

"There is a human here, and he wants to see you. He said his name is Special Agent William Fowler."

"Fowler? What is Fowler doing here?"

I heard Arcee questioning from the medical center.

"He just now gets my request when a Autobot signal shows up. Fantastic." I said in a bitter tone.

"When did this happen?"

I looked over at the medical center.

'Two sparks in one, this is gonna be interesting?'

I started to walked over to the elevator which takes me close enough to my house. I looked over my shoulder to see what happening.

"What is it Knockout?" Shockwave asked the doctor.

"It looks like part of Soundwave's spark is in Arcee's spark chamber. Vice versa." Knockout said looking up from his data pad.

I saw everyone was shock besides Sound and Arcee. Starscream turned and faced me. He was going to say something, but stop when he saw me face. I was smiling at him, and he ended up scowling at me.

"You knew, didn't you Midna."

I turned and faced all them before talking.

"What do you mean Starscream? How could I possibly hear the two different spark beats in Arcee? Are we sure I'm not the crazy one?" I said with a smile on my face, and I had both of my arms out. My head was tilted a bit to show that I was a little crazy.

My eyes traveled to everyone in the room. Shockwave, Starscream, Knockout, and Nitrous looked like they were going to kill me. Arcee, Rumble ,and Frenzy just looked confused. Sound on the other hand was trying not to laugh, but he failed. He had let out a cough, and which had made Starscream turned and faced Sound.

"You think it is funny Soundwave. I'll rip that smile off your face." Starscream said bring his hands, and making them turn into claws.

'My ride is here.'
"I would like to see you try Commander Starscream." Sound said challenging Screamy.

I walked into the elevator, and I heard Starscream running towards Sound. The elevator doors closed before I could see what was going to happen. Now it was time to meet with Fowler.
I walked through my front door, and I saw my mom and Fowler talking. My mom saw me and smiled. I walked closer to them.

"Midna you so know Agent William Fowler?"

I saw that my mom was still in her uniform.

'She must have had a meeting. This is gonna be fun.'
"Yes Ma'am."

I had a smile on my face. My mom hates being called Ma'am by here kids. I looked over at Fowler who was very confused. My mom rolled her eyes at me and walked away. I walked over to Fowler to talked to him before I could speak to him my mom came back out.

"Midna try not kill the man." She said laughing.

I sighed. I looked over at Fowler who just smiled.

"It looks like the Cons have changed you a lot Ma'ma."
'Ma'ma. Not in uniform.'
"Please don't call me 'Ma'am' unless I'm in my uniform."
"Will do Midna."
"Now let's see if Knockout is done reaping Arcee and started on Starscream."

I beackon Fowler to follow me.

"Trouble in paradise?"
"You have no idea."

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