Chapter 4

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(Soundwave's P.O.V.)

I had stop working on Laserbeak and went to my monitor to work. The only thing that Laserbeak need was some rest. I still remember how he was injured.
"Hey I'm getting a Cybertronian signal here, Sound." Midna said looking up from her computer.

I look down at her and I notice that she had added a another Dedsec sticker to her computer cover.

'Sitara must have given it to her after she help them out again. I'll will never understand why she started this hacker group. I know they are the good guys, but I'll will never understand why.'

I came out of my thoughts and answer her.

"I'll go check it out Midna."

I told my human friend.

"Do you really think that's wise Monsieur?"

Midna quoted from one of the lines from 'The Phantom of the Opera.' (Which was one of my favorite thing on this planet. Midna had gotten us tickets to go and see the play. That was the best night of my life.)

"If I get into trouble, I'll call for backup."

Walking away from my worried friend.

"Yeah right."
'That was the last time I heard from her.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I had reach the coordination where it was coming from, there was no one here. I was going to go back to the base when someone tried to punch me. I move quickly out the way. I could see a bunch of bots. I had released Laserbeak from my chest so he could go to Midna because I knew that I wasn't going to win this fight. Laserbeak start flying away once I was on the ground. He wasn't able to get very far before he was shot down from the sky. The next thing that I remember is getting a power and very pain shock in my system which had knock me out unconscious.
I rebooted and I was getting dragged along the floor which look a lot like the Nemesis. I was in front of a bit that looks a lot like a spider. I look up at him, and he had started to speak.

"My name is Tarantulas and I'm the second in command on this ship. You will join my crew or..."

He point to the left. I look were he was pointing and I saw Laserbeak. He was leaking energon.

"Or your pet will die."

My gaze was on Laserbeak for a moment then it slowly went back to Tarantulas.

"So what is it going to be Soundwave?"
"Join my crew."

I played the recent recording of his voice. Tarantulas just waved his servo and I was thrown back into my peds and was escorted out of the room.
We had reach a room which I had to guess was were I was staying. When the door opened up, I was shoved into the room. I stumbled a bit. When I faced the bot who had shoved me, Laserbeak was threw into my servos. The door to my room closed. I look down at Laserbeak. I had put him into stasis so he would have enough strength, so I could work on him later. I had walk over to a table, and put him down on it.

'Why didn't I listen to Midna.'
"Soundwave. You are needed on the bridge."

Blackarachnia order me over the coms. I looked over at Arcee who was still asleep. I had grab a data pad and wrote a note to Arcee. I sent on my feelers to grab a energon cube for Arcee. When I was done with them, I set it down by Arcee head on the ground. With that I left my room before I had turned up the lights in my room.
When I had enter the door the bridge, Tarantulas had greeted me.

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