Chapter 17

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Melissa POV

Today me and Harry was holding a pack meeting with the other surrounding alphas and they betas, due to the amount of rogue attacks that have been happening. It's not uncommon for rogues to trespass on the land of an alphas, yet what was uncommon was for rogues to just attack the alphas pack members without good reason. We all had that one question in our heads, why?, why was they attacking pack werewolf's.

Whenever rogues was stopped for trespassing on another territory, they was questioned on why they was trespassing, if they meant no harm they was free to go. Rogues are known for by  not following rules, yet their all knew the outcome of trespassing. Rogues would also not attack without reason, people think their rogues because they wolfs are out of control. That is far from the truth some of them have no choice but to go rogue, some just don't like their alphas ways but they are still people as well as wolfs.

"Mel, the alphas and betas are here" Paul says pulling me from my thoughts.

Walking out the library where I was currently sitting, I walk down to the main meeting room. As I enter the room all eyes turn to myself, a few of the alphas knew of my powers as I have helped them over the last year or two. I take my stand at the front of the room along side Harry, who by the way was letting me lead the meeting due to my skills. 

"Thank you all for joining us on such short notice"  I say as they take they seats.

"Melissa, alpha Harry can you please explain why we are here?"  Alpha Troy asked us.

"I have called you here to go over our problems with the rogues, a few of you here are having the same problem as ours self" I say well standing strong and keeping my head hold high.

"What do you suggested we do about it, other than what we already are doing"  alpha Williams I think I asked this time. He is one stuck up arsehole if you ask me, he always thinks he is better than anybody else.

"Well that is why we called you here myself and alpha Harry have been talking, we have come up with a plan"

"What would this plan be"

"We want to invite you and your packs to stay here on our territory, we think coming together and with myself been stronger than you all put together it would be for the best. However we know that as alphas you don't like been without your own territory, with that been said we would give you each your own side of our territory for you packs." I watch their faces as they take in the information on which I have just shared with them, the alphas who know of me and what I can do nod their heads my way.

"What makes you think your stronger than one pack along, let along all of us put together" alpha Williams beta Ricky asked myself. Which makes me smile and laugh at a little at him.

"Do I really have to prove myself against the like of a beta, you are nothing but second in command of the pack. I could take everyone out in this room with a click of a finger, so don't mock me" they don't know of me and Harry been mates as we haven't told anyone but our pack, so all they know is I'm the daughter of a beta from the power coming of me.

"Your only a beta yours don't try step up to me" this had Harry growl lowly until I give him as shake of my head saying no. I picture Ricky and his alpha gasping for air like their been chocked by an invisible focus. Within a second they both have their hands round they necks trying to pull at the invisible focus, making myself and the ones who know what I'm capable of smile. After a minute I let them free of the focus, watching the breath for air.

"I-I'm sorry I underestimated you" Ricky says bowing his head in submission.

"As you can see that is why we think it's best we come together as one, those who are in rise your hands, those who are out do know that after today we will not help" I watch as all but one alpha rise the hands and nod in argument.

"Thank you, alpha Harry will give you all details, with they been more than we thought please understand your packs will share where will rehouse you all, we will try our best to meet your needs. We also will not intervene with your own pack members. All we ask is we all train together as one and help each other, until the we have dealt with the rogues" with that I walk out the room leaving Harry to go over the details of where the alphas and Theo's packs will be rehoused.

See that what I love about our new territory, it was the same size as a whole town. Meaning we can build our own town if we wanted.

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