Chapter 1

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Presenting, the first chapter of CC:D which is dedicated to @lewislavina. My friend, who informed me about wattpad for the first time :D


“He made me feel unhinged . . . like he could take me apart and put me back together again and again.”
― Chelsie Shakespeare

TWO WEEKS LATER- March, 2013




“I can’t believe my daughter is lead. I am so proud of you” my mama gushed while I slapped my hand against my forehead.

“Mama, I don’t want to be the lead” I grumbled.

“Why?” she asked me we were making our way to ladies restroom, in the fifth floor, of the new mall. I was here along with my mama where I have to dance lead in the flash mob and I don’t like it. I swear Stella; the teacher of Modern Art dance class hates me. Well news flash, I don’t like her either and after this, I will never, ever, like that mean and selfish woman.

All I asked her was to make little bear stand next to me because I am used to little bear dancing as my partner since childhood. She was always my dance partner. She was the boy and I was the girl. I politely requested Stella and she rudely refused. How mean!

I got furious and while I was returning home, I spotted her car in the parking lot. There was so much anger in me and I had this huge urge to kick her. That is why when I spotted her car, I kicked the fat wheels of that stupid second… no, fifth hand car. To my bad luck, Stella was right behind me and she saw me kicking her stupid fifth hand car.

I tried covering my face to hide from her but it was of no use because she already saw me. Cristina, My friend, was laughing like a hyena when Stella declared right there that I be the lead. I hate being lead. It’s because when the lead starts dancing, it gathers everyone’s attention and they for a few second think, why this crazy female is dancing all of a sudden. I don’t want people to think I am crazy, even though I am a little bit crazy.

Ok! Admitting that just proved how crazy I really am.

“Because she did it to punish me” I replied pouting.

“Punish you? Why?” mama asked me. Oh no! I didn’t tell mama that I had kicked Stella’s car and I never will because she might ask me to apologize to that mean and selfish woman.

Instead of replying, I smiled and scratched my head to think of some good excuse. I couldn’t even lie and I hated that. Nobody believes me when I lie.

“I... I… I got to go. Since I am the lead, I have to be there first” I said nervously. “Bye mama” I said and ran away after kissing her cheeks.

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