Chapter 12

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Okay…. Here is chapter 12 which is dedicated to @MayTd8

Check out that pic of Cortez and Malory >>>>


“It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” 
― Rose Kennedy


When I opened my eyes and looked at Little Bear, I found her lost in her thoughts. Her lips were parted slightly and her eyes were distant.

“Little Bear?” I called her. Okay, maybe she is in shock over the fact that Cortez, whom she knew as a friend, is also involved with O? “Little bear” I called again and shook her arms.

Snapping out of whatever thoughts she was lost in, Little Bear looked at me. “What?” she asked me.

“Cortez is working with O” I whispered sadly.

“Oh” she said sulking. “You think O is bad”

“I don’t think. I know O is bad” I told her honestly. Little bear closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. When she opened them, she had a pained expression. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Nothing” she told me and shook her head. “I… I need to go. I will talk to you later” and without a backward glance, my best friend strode out of the door with smoke emitting from her track.

I sat there, staring at the door, wondering what was wrong with her. Plus, I had not even told her that Alpha Duncan was also involved with O.

“Zachary” I called my cousin as I saw him coming inside. I was sprawled on my back on the couch and Mumbles was lying on the floor.

“Speak Malory” he told me and I chuckled. It was a common dialogue between us since childhood as we loved the rhyme of our names.

“I am hungry” I told him and laughed loudly. “That sounded like a jingle too”.

I was truly hungry for a good lunch. That breakfast I made wasn’t enough to satisfy even quarter of my starved tummy.

Zach sat on my legs and then stared at a very sleepy Mumbles. “Sweet Lord! What do you feed him? He looks like a pig” Zach slurred, kicking Mumbles awake. Mumbles growled and Zach bared his fangs.

“Don’t scare my dog” I said through gritted teeth. To make me angrier, Zach held Mumbles hind-legs and forced him to stand up. Zach laughed while Mumbles struggled to balance himself. “Leave him” I said punching Zach’s arms. He let go and then laughed again as Mumbles went and sat away from us.

“Come on let’s go” he told me enthusiastically getting up.


“To any restaurant in town” he told me and I nodded. “Mom will take care of that pig” he told me even before I could ask him about Mumbles.

“I love you” I told him grinning widely.

“Everyone loves me” was his cocky reply.

‘Hunt’, that was the name of the restaurant we were currently eating at. Zach was sitting opposite me eating something, the name of which I couldn’t pronounce but it was broiled prawns, while I was having grilled chicken. The whole table was filled with food and I noticed few humans staring at us because the amount of food we had in our table would be equal to ten. However, it wasn’t me who was going to finish all that, it was the hungry male wolf sitting opposite me.

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