Chapter 19

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Presenting Chapter 19 which is dedicated to @ delirious_mistakes_ :)

Pic on the side is of>>>>



“A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.” 
Roald DahlCharlie and the Great Glass Elevator


“I don’t know why it happens but people find all my sad stories funny” I grumbled as Ruben laughed loudly when I told him, how I fell on the road today. I was actually very careful because Connell had finally let me take the two-wheeler. But this rude car driver brought his car to a halt, in a highway. I mean who does that? I couldn’t apply a break immediately and then I fell on the road. His vehicle was scratched, mine was not. He didn’t get injured, I did. I had a scrape in my leg and the doctor had to clean it and apply some ointment.

Unfortunately for me, someone saw it, informed it to Connell and then I had to bid a final farewell to my two-wheeler.

“My only fault was that, I drove it in highway when he had clearly warned me against it” I said sadly.

“So he took your vehicle now?” Ruben asked me.

“I had parked it next to one of his cars but it wasn’t there… or anywhere in the garage when I checked later. I fell only because of the driver who is a seven-letter-word” I hissed at the end while Ruben continued laughing like a hyena. “If I hadn’t been in a hurry to return home, I would have given an earful to that… that… brute” I breathed out in anger.

“You know, you can swear. I heard swearing is a good way to free the anger and frustration that you have held inside you.” he said grinning and I shrugged.

“It’s offensive too” I pointed out.

“That’s the point of swearing. See, if you can’t’ cause bodily harm to the person who upset you, then swearing helps” he said.

“Not all the time. It can get you in trouble too” I remarked and Ruben sighed.

“I fucking give up.” Ruben said and I narrowed my eyes. “It’s im-fucking-possible to win with you.”

“You are swearing purposefully” I said frowning and Ruben laughed.

“One or the other day, I promise, I am going to make you swear” he challenged and I rolled my eyes.

“That’s never going to happen” I said confidently.

“And you will say that word to your mate” he continued cheekily and I frowned.

“Never” I said and got up from the stool. “I’ve to go now, Connell is waiting for me. I have to convince him to give me back my vehicle. You take care” I said and began walking towards the door.

“Malory” Ruben called and I turned to face him. “Your fight is tomorrow right?” he asked me and I nodded. It has been almost ten days since Ruben was brought here and by now most members of the pack had come to know about Ruben. If they had any grudge against him, they hadn’t shown it yet. “I will be there, to cheer you” he said and I smiled.

“Thank-you” I said and left him to take rest. It was a good thing that most of Ruben’s wounds have already healed, however the doctor prohibited him from shifting for another week. He said it would be too risky at this stage.

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