Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 for you all lovely people.

This chapter is dedicated to @frasermagoo :D

Pic on the side>>> Oh Yeah! That’s my dog, but it’s Mumbles here:D


“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam


We were both returning to Cortez’s house after our dinner. The silence between us was the same way as it was when we were going for dinner. Mumbles was walking ahead of us and seldom he would stop and wait, for me and Cortez to join him before repeating the same.

I looked at Cortez and sighed. What Brenda had said was repeating over and over again in my head. Don’t give up on him.

Taking a deep breath, to increase my self-confidence, I began a conversation. “I think it’s going to rain tonight” I said. Yeah, that is what I said! Someone once told me that weather is a best topic to begin the conversation.

“There are no dark clouds” was the reply from Cortez.

“Huh?” I said with my mouth dropped open. I looked at the sky and sure enough the bright moon was in the sky along with millions of stars. He was right; the chances of raining tonight were almost next to none.

Sighing, I lowered my head and continued walking ahead. Stupid Malory! Lesson learnt. Weather is a very bad topic to start for a conversation.

Don’t give up on him. I could hear Brenda telling me in my head and so I spoke again. “Uh… Do you live alone in your house?” Yes! That was my next question even though I knew the answer to that.


“Oh! I always stayed with my parents and this is the first time I’m staying away from my parents” I said softly. “But I’m happy that Mumbles is here with me even though I miss my family” I continued. “He is like a family to me” I said staring at Mumbles, who was wagging his tail and walking ahead. “Do you like dogs?” I asked Cortez with a smile recalling how he patted Mumbles head in the afternoon.

A shrug was the answer to my question.

Don’t give up on him.

“Do you have a day off tomorrow?” I asked Cortez and he nodded. “So you have weekends off?” another nod was the answer. “Same here” I said beaming. I have classes from nine to four-fifteen on weekdays and weekends are the only day where I get time to waste.

I then recalled that I didn’t know the way to my university from here. It might have been on the way while we were coming but since I was asleep the whole journey, I missed it.

“Umm… Can you please guide me to my university, Monday morning? I don’t know the way to my college from here.” I asked Cortez hesitantly. “You… you drive in your car and I will f-follow you in my scooty.” I said nervously. “Uh… If you are busy can you please ask someone to help me” Though I said someone, I was really hoping it was Sonya who would help me. I may act like an idiot if he asks someone else.

“I will take you there” Cortez said harshly stopping in his tracks. “There is NO need to ask help from anyone else” he continued, his eyes turning dark.

My wolf cherished his possessiveness.

“Umm… Okay” I said quietly.

“What’s your college timing?” he asked me.

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