Chapter 7

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Hi Lovelies, Presenting Chapter 7 to you all…

This chapter is dedicated to @Loha1993 for giving me enough information about a field I know next to nothing about :D

For those who couldn’t see Mumbles pic last week. Here it is>>>


“Something was comforting about strangers—it seemed like they would exist forever as the same, unknowable mass.” 
Megan Boyle


“And right” I said drawing a line to right in my cellphone. I was currently with Cortez, in his car going to my college. I don’t know the mode of his car, but I knew it was a Pagani, thanks to their beautiful logo. It was extremely comfortable and I loved the car already. “So is there any turning after this?” I asked him.

“One more” he said and I nodded.

I was noting down the landmarks in my cell phone because I am going on my two-wheeler from tomorrow onwards. Looking outside the window, I wrote down a restaurant’s name in my cell phone for remembrance. I am a little weak in geography. Okay, very weak in geography.

“Where do you work?” I curiously asked Cortez.

“It’s far from here”

“And you work the whole day?”

“No. I work only when I want” he said evenly.

“That‘s so cool” I said with a grin but quickly looked away when Cortez turned his head to face me.

“Take left near the bank” he said to me while I drew a line to left and wrote in my cellphone. “Another ten minutes and you will be in your college” Cortez said and I looked at the time. I would be forty five minutes early and very few come that early.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I told Cortez before he could enter the gates of my college. He stopped and turned to look at me with a frown. “Outsiders vehicles aren’t allowed inside the campus. He does not allow them” I said scowling at the rude security guard who didn’t allow dada’s car to come inside last time during College Day.

“I… I’ll go from here” I said searching for my lanyard in the bag.

“What time does your class end?” Cortez asked me while I was wearing my lanyard.

“Four fifteen”

“I’ll pick you up at four fifteen” he said and I smiled.

“Bye” I said and got out of the car when he didn’t reply. When I was about to enter the campus, I stopped and turned to look at Cortez. Warmth filled me as I saw him still inside his car. With his hands he motioned for me to go in. I waved at him and with a huge grin on my face, entered the campus.

Classes were mundane and like usual I only spoke with my professor’s and few girls who sit near me. I am the only wolf who is studying in this university filled with humans and so it is difficult for me to be friends with humans, plus the whole social awkwardness thing. During lunch, I ate in a nearby fast-food restaurant and called mama who was crying in the phone. After that I had another class of forensic medicine where we were thought about skeletal bone examination.

As soon as the bell rang, I walked out of the class room towards the parking lot. I was half-way there when I realized that I had come with Cortez today. Shaking my head regretfully, I slowly made my way towards the entrance. I doubt Cortez to be here even though he said he would be here at four-fifteen. Pinching my lips together, I held the handle of my shoulder bag in a tight grip.

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