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My name is Erin. Erin Dale. And I'm an abomination.

For years I've been running from the archangels that want to kill me. All because my mother is human and my father is an angle. Who knows where he is but a month ago, my mother, unfortunately, was killed by one of the archangels. I got away. I was running for my life and I had no where to go. Until one fateful day..


I clicked my pen and placed in on a small notepad I held in my hand.

"Can I take your order?" I ask in that fake-happy tone.

I take the couples order and rush back into the kitchen to tape the order up. As I walk out of the swinging doors, my friend, Jamie, also a waitress, comes up with an astounded look on her face.

"Erin, did you see those two men walk in here?" She asks.

I look over to the men she was pointing at. My heart sank when I realized they were angels. I could see through their vessels. { being half-angel gives you that kind of power } I began to shake nervously until Jamie knocked me out of my daze.

"Erin! Are you listening?"

"Oh yeah, no I didn't see them walk in," I say, my eyes never leaving the two angels.

"Well it's strange and all but it's your table, take their order," she says.

I grab my pen and notepad and slowly make my way to the table. I slap on a fake smile and voice.

"May I take your orders?"

"The special for me," a short- kinda old- man with grey hair said.

"And you, sir?" I ask, turning to the younger- good looking- man in a long trench coat.

"No, nothing for me," his deep voice sent chills up my spine.

"Okay, coming right up," I turn away quickly and walk fast into the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief when I'm out of their sight.

When the order was finally ready, I began to make my way to the table. I stopped when I heard their conversation.

The deep voice man began, "I'm not going to do this, Metatron, she's only a girl. It's not her fault-"

"I told you to call me Marv in public," the older man interrupted.

Oh my god, Metatron? As in, the scribe Metatron?

"Castiel, she's an abomination. We have to use her as another key to closing the gates of Hell," Metatron adds.

And Castiel? He's one of then most wanted angels in Heaven

I decided to stop listening in and do my job. I walk up with their order with, yet another, fake smile. I noticed Metatron's sort of death glare and Castiel's sad expression. I tried my best to act like I didn't know what was going on. I left quickly and signed out of my shift.

It was pitch black- much later than I thought it was. I began walking down the short pathway to my apartment, which was, stupidly, through the woods. I picked up my pace when I felt the sudden feeling someone was watching me.

After a few minutes, I heard a twig snap from behind me. I swing around in defense and see the angels I met at the restaurant.

"Please, I don't want any trouble," I raise both my hands out in front of me.

"I'm sorry," Castiel says sadly.

"Please," I feel a tear threaten to run.

"You're an abomination, and your blood is needed to close the gates of Hell," Metatron says menacingly.

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