I'm Not Insane

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The door slings open and Sam and Dean walk in. I look up from the floor and they look around the room. I assume they're looking for Cas so I say, "Cas isn't here."

"Well, care to fill us in?" Dean asks in an annoyed tone.

"Don't get sassy with me, I don't have to tell you," I shoot back.

"I'm sorry," he sighs. "Please, tell us where he is."

His tone was still on the rude side but I still answer, "He just went to get some food."

Dean sighs and throws the duffle bag to the floor.

"He un cuffed you?" Sam asks, taking a step closer.

"Yes," I answer.

He obviously decides it useless to talk to me so he leaves me alone. Dean, on the other hand, thinks it's a great time to talk.

"So, Erin, how's Cas?"

I shoot my eyes to give him a harsh glare. "Shut up."

"Come on, it's not a secret anymore!"

"Shut up!" I yell, standing up from the side of the bed.

"Come on, Dean, don't be a douche," Sam butts in.

I stare deep into Dean's eyes and he did the same. It was some kind of death glare that lasted for a few minutes.

The door suddenly comes open and I look away from Dean. My eyes soften when I see Cas step in the room with a bag of food.

"Did you get it?" I ask as I take the bag from Cas and plop it on the bed.

"If by 'it', you mean the hot dogs, then yes."

I smile as I take out the first hotdog and shove it in my mouth, devouring half of it in one bite.

"Woah slow down, princess," Dean states.

"Dean," food crumbles from my mouth, "if you knew me at all, you would know I'm no princess."

He flicks his eyebrows as if understanding my statement.

Once I finished my third hotdog, everyone gave me a concerned look.

"Erin, I think you should slow down," Sam speaks up.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, in the middle of my fourth hotdog.

"The hotdog craving?" Dean says.

"I'm hungry, that's all," I assure them. They don't seem too comforted by it.

"Well sure but we've never seen you eat like that before, are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks, more concerned.

"Guys, it's not a big deal. It's just food."

Sam looks away, still holding the concerned look, Dean just sighs and walks into the bathroom, and Cas stands in the corner, almost like he wasn't paying attention.

"So did you take care of the angels?" I ask Sam once I was finished eating.

"Uh yeah, we think we got all of them in the area out."

"Good, good.." My voice seems to soften up. "Hey sorry about before. I was having, you know, one of those moments."

"No, you're fine, Erin." Sam assures. "Say, have you seen that woman lately?"

I look at the floor and say in a stern voice, "No."

Cas looks at me like I shouldn't lie but he understands why and leaves it at that.

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