The Seen, Yet Unseen, Woman

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I wake up with stiffened bones and muscles. Everything from last night was a blur. I look up to see Cas asleep.. I didn't know angels did sleep... I was cuddled up under his arm and his chin was resting on my head. I smile and shuffle a bit, waking him up.

"Morning," I smile.

"Good morning," he replies.

"Well.. that was nice," I laugh.

"Yes, it was wasn't it," his deep voice nearly vibrates the bed.

"Cas... I love you," I say after a few moments of silence.

"I love you as well," he says.

I smile and snuggle closer to his bare chest.

"So, what will we do about Sam, Dean and Gabriel?" I ask.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go back to them. If that's what you want."

I sigh, "I guess it would be a good idea. After all, I did kinda run out on them yesterday without warning."

He sighs and my head lifts up with his chest. I look up into his beautiful blue eyes and lean in to kiss him. It was quick but comforting. Then I move some of the covers out of the way so that I could reach Cas's shirt. I grab it and button it up all the way down so that all you could see were my bare legs. I grab Cas's boxers and toss it to him. He stands up and puts it on. I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in to one last kiss.

I turn and walk to the shower.


I lift my fist to the door and hesitate. I turn to see Cas looking at me confused. After a few minutes of thinking, I finally knock. Sam opens the door first and his expression grows wide.

"Erin, Cas, where have you been?" he asks with plenty of concern.

"We.. rented a motel room last night... I.. we.. just didn't want to come back after what had happened and I- we- needed time to .. ya know.. I guess think about it." I lied.

Cas's expression stayed neutral and I guess he was okay with me not telling them about us.

Suddenly the door flings open and Dean rushes to the door.

"Well, well. Look who's here." Dean says, crossing his arms.

I huff and push past him. Cas follows and walks to the corner of the room.

"Where's Gabriel?" I ask once I notice his absence.

I look to see Sam and Dean give each other a look.

"What?" I uncross my arms.

"Gabriel went to go look for you." Sam takes a step forward.

"He what.." I mumble. My cheeks turned red. I hoped he didn't see anything.

"When you ran off yesterday, he offered to go looking for you," Sam clarifies.

 I sigh and look cautiously around the room. There's no way to find him now. None of us have wings, and neither does he, but who knows how far he's gotten.

"Well, we just have to hope he'll be back soon." I finally say.

"Where did you run off to?" Dean asks finally.

I begin to look around the room for an excuse but I had to say at least some of the truth.

"Cas and I stayed in a motel one night. I thought, since I ran out yesterday, I needed time alone but then Cas showed up and .. he was welcome to stay with me," I could feel Cas's discomfort.

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